I leave my suit jacket in Matt's car. I didn't feel like going in totally dressed up. I want to take off my glasses so badly. I hate them. I don't look good. I hold the door for Alina but let it go shut on Matt. We sit down in a booth. I choose to squeeze in next to Matt. I love messing with this kid. He is so my Neptune.
"Hello, I'm Kathy, I'll be your waitress today," a nice young woman sets menus down on our table. "I'll be a few minutes but I'll be right back."
"She's pretty," Alina notes. "Shame she's a waitress."
Alina is staring at her ring. The symbol of Saturn shines in the light of the restaurant. My hand subconsciously reaches up to my gold necklace, to the charm of the symbol of Jupiter. It was a very quick acceptance from Big Nan. She doesn't like anyone that much. She must be special.
Saturn. I wonder what that means. Or the blue topaz gemstone.
"Sorry for that," Kathy comes back. "So, what can I get you all to drink?"
We order. I watch this Kathy. She is pretty, short brunette hair and deep green eyes. It's almost cute the way she nervously glances from her notebook to meet the eyes of whoever is talking. We order lunch along with our drinks, just to save her time.
"I just want to say, it's been a long time since I've been to a formal church service. Thanks for inviting me," Alina leaned on the table.
Talk about abnormal. That's just rude and unmannerly.
"Well, I figured that maybe you deserved to get to know me better," I grinned. "I've got a slight plan."
"You've got a plan?" Matt looked straight at me.
"Well, you all know my Luna," I started off.
"Your Luna?"
"Silence, Slut. Yes, she's my Luna. To others, she is Stella, but she's always going to be my Luna. I won't lie, I could see myself with her for the rest of my life. I really hate to admit..." I can almost feel myself blushing. "That I might be in love with her."
I look up to my friends' faces. Matt seems a bit surprised but mostly careless. Alina is smiling so wide. So I at least have her on my side.
"I have been thinking this over for quite a bit too. I want to ask her out secretly and elaborately."
"Sign me the fuck up!" Alina hit the table before covering her mouth with her hands. "Oh my goodness this is going to be so cute."
"I was thinking. I know she belongs to a lot of fandoms. I want to give her a series of gifts each relating to a different fandom and have each of them give her parts of a message until she gets the whole thing," I smile. This is so exciting. I'm solidifying my idea.
"How do you plan to execute this?" Matt asks skeptically.
"I'm honestly not sure yet..." I lay my head down on the table.
Alina reaches over, petting my hair. "Don't worry, we'll figure this out together. We'll surprise the shit out of her."
"Yay!" I sit back up again.
"I swear to God..." Matt shakes his head.
"This is going to be great," Alina laughed. "You two are so cute together. You know, I've seen Stella around before and she doesn't light up the same way talking to others as she does with you. It's like she likes you right back."
My Luna likes me back? She does?
"You can tell?" I ask. I feel almost skeptical but at the same time I believe Alina.
"Yeah, reading people is a specialty of mine. I can read anyone like a book through their body language." She seems proud of herself.
"Prove it," Matt said.
"I will," she looked directly at him. "You move just enough to avoid getting touched by people because you don't like being touched. You also tend to avoid eye contact with others. I have yet to figure out why. Lastly, when you have trouble keeping still. You constantly run your hand through your hair or mess around with your hands or anything you have on hand."
Matt just watched her. She wasn't wrong.
"Andy, you tend to look around a lot in conversation, namely voting your attention to whatever you deem worthy, normally Stella when she's around. You're also apologetic when you screw up, even when it's minor but you can be outwardly narcissistic, showing that your narcissism covers up for your insecurity."
"I'm not going to say you're wrong." I sit back, surprised. She figured me out pretty quickly.
"I rest my case," Alina sits back, grin on her face.
"Body reader," I teased.
Our conversation got quiet. I watched Alina. Her eyes were on Matt. She was always watching him for some reason or another.
Kathy appeared with our food.
It was moments like these where I was the happiest with my friends. We were here, we were happy.
And there was food.

Out of Touch
Teen FictionYou're losing me again. Alina keeps to herself. Everyone eventually leaves her due to this fact. They hate how she doesn't trust anyone but how can she trust others when the only thing she knows to expect is pain? Now she's starting her junior yea...