The End of the World as We Know It

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I started organizing all the snickers out on the register I had previously been on. Matt was at the desk, Andy was at self-scans. Joshua had let me off register to go through the candy this month. A lot was expiring this April. I was glad Joshua had appreciated me enough to let me do this. I was still brooding over Andy, organizing out the candy. He didn't even talk to me while we walked to work today. Ass.

"What are you doing?" the kid next to me leaned over my plastic divider. 

Vincent was new to Weis markets, hired a month after me. I convinced him to get the job one day when he bought cookie dough through my line. Vincent had dated one of the seniors I knew when I was a sophomore. I knew him only by association. Not knowing what to say to him that day, one of the first days I had run on a register by myself, I told him he was going to get salmonella from the cookie dough he planned to eat raw. He laughed. He mentioned that he considered working here, if only to buy more cookie dough and gamble with death. I told him he should, we always needed more employees. And he did.

"I'm doing candy," I focused in.

"What's that?" he moved into the area behind my register.

"You organize out all the boxes of candy, blend in the new candy and toss out the old ones. They go in a basket back to receiving."

"Hmm," he looked down. "Is there something on your mind?"

"No," I lied. "Just focused."

"So, what's up with you and the guy at self scans? Weren't you two dating? "

Vincent was popular. People just knew who he was and his charisma drew them in. Yet, unlike Andy, he didn't want the attention nor did he use it to manipulate anyone. He just kind of existed in everyone's plane of view. I guess he saw us or heard something.

"No, we broke up," I shrugged. "How are you and Marrisa?"

"We broke up a bit ago too. It's really hard getting over someone, huh?" 

I nodded. "Just two heartbroken people trying to make it."

"I would be more heartbroken if she wasn't such a bitch," Vincent shrugged. "She broke up with me to sleep with other people."

"He broke up with me because he's gay," I said without thinking.

"Wow, what a dick," Vincent looked towards self scans. "I hope Joshua gives him hell."

Vincent disappeared with a customer down his own register. I didn't think Marrisa was that kind of person. Does that mean she and Vincent were involved? Andy tried to do that to me, but he didn't have protection so I didn't consent. Then we did but he was gay the whole time. Harsh. Just shows how little you know someone. 

"So you're graduating this year?" Vincent was back at my register.

"No, next," I shook my head. 

"I'll be a junior," Vincent leaned across the scanner. 

"I think all in all, my junior year was pretty great until the end," I smiled. "Things right now seem to be a mess."

"What the fuck are you doing?" Matt stopped at the front of my register. 

"Candy," I shrugged.

"You better clean up that mess. Where's Joshua? I need to go on a break."

"With Andy?" I shrugged. 

"Front of your lane, Vincent," Matt walked away.

"Don't listen to him," I looked at Vincent. "I like the company while I'm working. Besides, he always get pissy at work. He thinks this place is awful."

"It's not that bad," Vincent grinned at me. "What are you planning to do after high school?"

"I'm going to go to college for psychology, go into psychiatry," I set all the boxes out, beginning to put the candy back.

"That's what I want to do. Psychology is cool."

"Definitely take AP psychology your senior year then," I smiled. "It's vital for understanding psychology early on. And take any introductory course you can. College will throw you in those classes without warning. Intro to philosophy, for example. That way, you get a basis."

"Thanks for the advice," Vincent smiled. "Do you have a SnapChat?"

I nodded.

"Can I add you?"

I nodded again, holding out my hand for his phone. 

"Yo, me too," his friend and one of my new friends Christian walked over. "We can start a streak or something."

I smiled. Maybe this was the light of new friendship. Change really was coming my way.

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