You Don't Smell

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The three of us walked over to the empty row behind Alex, the Beta. While Ivy added an extra sway to her steps, Web seemed to be dragging his feet. He of course saw how excited Ivy was to flirt with the hunky wolf, and he obviously didn't like it. Since Web hadn't told me he had a thing for Ivy, I had to pretend that I didn't know and keep my mouth shut. I could only hope that his jealousy didn't ruin things for us.  

Before our butts even landed on the bleachers, Ivy was already working.  "Excuse me," she said sweetly, tapping Alex's shoulder, "We're here visiting our Aunt, and she told us that the Panthers were the team to see. Are we sitting on the right side?" 

She sounded ridiculously stupid and I had to hold my laughter in. Alex turned around and took her in before flashing her a brilliant smile, "Yeah, you're definitely on the right side." I had to admit, the boy was handsome. He had spiky brown hair that fit his facial features perfectly. He looked to be around our age, even though his face reminded me of a younger child. He had dark green eyes that I was sure girls could get lost in. He had a muscular jaw that matched his biceps, but that wasn't surprising, most wolves were extremely fit.  

"Oh good, I don't know much about football," Ivy pressed on, twirling a strand of her perfectly curled hair around her finger.  

"How about you come sit down here with me, and I'll explain the whole game to you," Alex responded.  

"Why don't they just have sex right here on the bleachers?" Web mumbled to me.  

As I held my laugh back, I noticed that Alex caught part of Web's statement and shot him a dirty look. "Protective older brother," I smiled, trying to cover up the mistake.  

Alex's gaze turned to me and he gave me the same brilliant smile that he gifted to Ivy, "You need help too?" He asked, his smile turning into a smirk.  

"No thanks, my brother can tell me," I responded to the little playboy. He was definitely unmated. A mated wolf barely even acknowledged the other sex in a flirtatious way, let alone try to score a three-way.  

Web shot me a look and then shook his head. He hated wolves, but I had a feeling it had more to do with their way with all the ladies, instead of their murderous instincts.  

Throughout the game Ivy continued to flirt with the Beta while Web and I actually watched the game. Every few minutes I would hear Ivy's signature fake laugh and laugh myself. It was sometimes hard for me to take our job seriously when I wasn't the one doing the work, I knew all of Ivy's tricks; her high pitched laugh, the hair twirl or flip, the wide eyes when she asked a question, and her constant smacking of the bicep or chest. I couldn't help but wonder if I had the same tells as she did. Was it as easy for her to see when I was faking it? 

Before I could think it over any further, a loud buzzer went off and the whole crowd jumped up in an uproar of horns and cheers. Web and I jumped up also, just a fraction of a second late, and cheered along with everyone else. "What just happened?" I asked Web, who shrugged his shoulders in response.  

"We won! We won!" Ivy sang, jumping around next to Alex, who was high-fiving any guy around him.  

I shrugged my shoulders back at Web and then joined in on the jumping and cheering. Even though I had absolutely no idea how it happened, or what the players were doing the entire time, I was enjoying the win. Everyone jumping and screaming with happiness reminded me of our last job. When we went to that party and danced with everyone, I honestly was having a blast, just like I was at the game.  

"Sis!" Ivy yelled excitedly as she skipped over to me, "Alex has invited us to a party! We should totally go!" She squealed and then winked at me, raising her eyebrows slightly.  

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