The Enemy

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I had spent most of my day and the previous day with my boys. They were quick learners when it came to fighting hand to hand, but the same couldn't be said about me fighting in wolf form. I was still kind of wobbly on four feet, and when I would gain my balance, all I wanted to do was run and jump. Sam thinks that I will be better in battle, when my wolf is pissed off. Apparently I needed to let her out more so that she wouldn't be so playful.  

Ethan had called in two of our neighboring pack to come assist us, upping our numbers of fighters to 100, hopefully evening us up with Alan. All members of our pack that were not fighting were sent to one of the neighboring packs for protection. The only people left that weren't fighting was my mom, grandma, and Elly. They were setting up medical supplies in the pack house to tend to the wounded.  

We had at least three men stationed on each neighborhood street, walking around in the shadows, ready to strike once the hunters came. We knew they wouldn't be able to save all the buildings or houses, but we were hoping to save a few. They were given strict orders to not be seen by the hunters or to try to stop them because we didn't want them to die. I wasn't exactly sure what there in depth orders were, but I knew their main job was to keep as many fires from spreading as possible.  

We were currently sitting around the pack house eating pizza that had been cooked from the oven. I think my mom made over twenty pizzas to feed everyone. It was supposed to be something to calm everyone down, but I think it had the exact opposite effect. We were all a bundle of nerves and hardly anyone was talking, this house had never been so silent.  

The quiet, which had stretched over an hour, was quickly interrupted as one of our patrollers crashed through the front door. He was completely naked and covered in dirt. "It's starting, they are coming head on, straight through the front. This fight is gonna happen on our front lawn in about ten minutes." 

"Thanks Leo, head back," Ethan ordered. He then turned towards us, "You know what I want. We are defending our pack once again against the hunters. Your only job is to kill. No messing around, no making the fight last longer, go straight for the kill. I want half of you to stay in human form and fight that way as long as possible, while the other half fights in wolf form. Feel free to shift either way whenever you need to and if possible get the wounded back in here quickly." 

A chorus of "Yes sir," went around the room and then we all got moving.  

I, of course, was one staying in human form. I was still a better fighter that way. I pulled out the gloves the Web got me from my back pocket and pulled them on, then I pulled out a medium sized silver butterfly knife that I had kept in my duffle bag from my previous hunter days. I had it wrapped up in a piece of cloth and sitting on the table in front of me. I was a good fighter with a blade, and thought it would be sweet justice to inflict damage on them with the same weapons they used on us.  

"Ready for this?" Ashton asked, pulling me into his arms.  

I nodded my head and then pushed up onto the tips of my toes to place a small kiss on his lips. With the hand that wasn't holding the knife, I smacked his butt, "Let's go get 'em." 

Ashton laughed and pulled away. He grabbed my hand and led me out the front door where everyone else was. Ashton placed a kiss on my cheek and then pulled away and tugged his shirt off. He unbuttoned his jeans and kicked them off before shifting into his dark brown wolf.  

I knelt down to his level and pulled his big wolf body into me for one last hug. I didn't want to think about him dying, but I knew it was a possibility. I didn't voice that to anyone though because I didn't want to bring them down. I placed a kiss on his head and then stood back up. I took a few moments to memorize his wolf so that I could keep my eyes on him, he had a white streak that went straight down his back. I hadn't seen any other wolf with that, even Anthony didn't have it, so I used it as my marker.  

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