To Death?

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Chaos. That's the only word that came to mind as I watched the group of wolves in front of me. Everyone was yelling, mostly towards me. Questions were thrown at me so quick I never had time to answer any. They were all demanding answers and I left poor Ashton to explain things; he wasn't doing a good job. 

"Hey!" I yelled, getting everyone's attention. "What is it exactly that you want Alex?" 

Alex looked completely mental as he stared me down. His dirty white shirt and mud stained pants seemed to only add to the craziness I saw in him. His lips curled up in disgust and then he spoke, "You're blood." 

"Fine." I kicked my flip flops of and put my hair back up in a pony-tail, "To death, right?" 

Alex nodded at the same time my boys erupted into loud yells, disagreeing with what I was about to.  

"You are not fighting with him." Ashton growled out.  

"Like hell to death!" Sam added. 

"This isn't happening Alex!" Anthony shouted. 

The men that came with Alex began to yell back at the boys, once again. Alex never took his eyes off of me and I could see his chest heaving up and down as he continued to grow angrier. "What's the rules when something like this happens between wolves?" I asked.  

"You aren't a wolf," Alex sneered.  

Sam and Ashton were both about to rat me out so I held my hand out towards them and stepped forward, "Doesn't matter, tell me the rules." 

"I'm challenging you for the death of my brother," Alex said, standing slightly taller than he was before, probably trying to scare me. "Do you accept?" 

"Yup," I said, popping the P.  

"No, no," Ashton said shaking his head furiously. "Sam damn it, go get your dad." 

Sam nodded and ran into the house. Ashton then grabbed my hand and pulled me back towards the wall of the house. "What the hell are you doing?" He whispered harshly.  

"I'm fixing this, they won't quit until I make them," I shrugged.  

"No, even if you win this, someone else will challenge you until you die." 

I rolled my eyes and looked over to Alex and his men, "If I win, this is over right? No more challenging?" 

Alex gave me a smirk while his friends began laughing, "Sure, if you win, my pack will not retaliate." 

I looked back at Ashton, "See, no problem." 

"You won't win this sweetheart," One of the curly haired men said. 

I turned my attention back to the yard and shrugged, "Guess we'll see."  

Sam, Ethan and my parents came barreling out the door. My parents rushed over to me while Ethan and Sam walked over to the other pack wolves. "What is going on?" My dad asked. 

"Alex challenged Ember and she said yes," Ashton spat out.  

"Shit," my dad breathed out. "Are you crazy?" 

I sighed, "No, I can handle this." 

"Well, looks like we have no choice," Ethan sighed walking up to us. "She accepted." 

"I'll fight for her," Ashton said stepping forward. 

"No!" I growled out. "Look, this is my mess. We all know they won't stop until this fight happens, so just let it happen. Let me clean up my own shit. I don't need anyone to fix my mistakes."  

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