Pretty Hard To Kill

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I looked onto the guy that spoke. He had to be in his early twenties, with dark brown shaggy hair and a body that made us shifters look small. I didn't even think he would be able to wipe his ass on his own, his muscles were so big! I was surprised that the brown shirt he was wearing didn't rip at the smallest of movements. The other two men that came with him weren't as ripped, but they still looked like they had lived in the gym. One had white blonde hair that was long and sticking up in spikes everywhere. He had a large black duffle bag wrapped around one shoulder. The other guy had his black hair shaved close to his head and tattoos running down both arms.  

Then there was the girls. One with long, light blonde hair that was tall and looked more like she belonged in a cheerleading photo than here in the woods. Her bright pink tank top and black capri sweat pants made her look young and innocent. The girl standing next to her had dark blonde almost brown hair, which came down to her shoulders and she was just as tall as the other blonde. The last girl was quite a bit shorter than everyone, with bright red hair, streaked with blonde. She also had a large duffle bag wrapped around her shoulder. The girls weren't nearly as built as the boys, but they were fit.  

"You just killed a human!" Alan roared, interrupting my assessment, "With a stake!" 

"Funny story," The blonde one said, her voice matched her body perfectly, adding on to the innocent look that she had. "It turns out that a stake to anyone's heart would kill them." 

"Point and case, the dude stuck to the tree, no longer living." The first guy stated with a laugh. 

I watched, feeling completely confused, as the red haired girl reached into her bag and pulled out another stake, she handed it to the blonde and then turned and walked towards us.  

Once the girl was beside me she spoke, "They're a little dramatic, like it all theatrical." 

I chose to ignore her statement that confused me even further, "Are you the guardians?" I asked.  

"Yup, I'm Miley. The blonde is Skylar, the other one is Al. And the boys are Monster Mike," she pointed to the big one, "Nick," the guy with the spikes, "and Tanner," she finished up, pointing at the guy with the tattoos.  

I nodded slowly, getting ready to introduce myself but stopped when Skylar began to speak again, "Now which one of you is in charge?" She flipped the stake around in her hands, tossing it up and catching it as she moved around. "Is it you?" She sang as she stopped in front of Alan. 

Before Alan could respond, one of his men moved and I caught it; he had pulled out a gun. "Skylar look out!" I yelled. 

She didn't even turn her head away from Alan, she just threw the stake, landing it right in the man's chest. "Leader, you should probably tell your men to stand down." She scolded him like she was scolding a small child, and I couldn't help but laugh, but it came out sounding like a strangled cry.  

"His name is Alan," I informed her, stepping forward. I could feel everyone behind me move as I did, making sure that I wasn't left alone. 

"Ah, Alan," Monster Mike said, "You are hereby stripped of your leadership and required to return back to headquarters with me for the crime of murdering innocent supernaturals without cause." 

"Oh, and for being a complete jackass," Skyler added in.  

"I don't think so," Alan snarled.  

"This is where the fun begins, "Miley whispered. She dug around in her bag while Mike repeated his previous statement, pulling out a medium sized black gun. Next, she pulled out a thin cartridge and then slammed it into the butt of the gun. She grasped the top and pulled back, making it click loudly, before passing it over to Al.  

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