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I had been pacing outside the door of the medical room for the past hour while my mom and Elly worked on Web. I had no idea what his injuries were other than what I could see on his face, but it must have been worse than that since they had been in there for so long. My mom wouldn't allow me to come into the room because she said I was acting irrationally. Sure, I yelled at everyone to help me and then I threatened anyone who came near him, but he was a hunter. I didn't want my new family to hurt him. I eventually let him go, after my dad pried him from my hands.  

"Em, you should sit," Ashton said from his position on the floor. He had stayed with me the whole time, even though I also threatened him.  

I looked down at Ashton, who was still only in his swim shorts, and sighed. I walked over to the wall and slid down until I was on the floor next to him. I leaned my head against his shoulders and closed my eyes.  

"He'll be fine," Ashton whispered as he grabbed my hand.  

I nodded silently. I was trying to wrap my mind around how this could have happened. I hadn't called him and he hadn't called me, so how did he get himself so beat up? I also couldn't help but wonder how he got to the house. I didn't see any cars outside, and if someone brought him, then who? 

"How's the kid?" Sam asked.  

I looked up and noticed that he had changed out of his shorts and into some jeans, but still without a shirt. "He's older than you Sam," I sighed, "Go put a shirt on." 

Sam laughed and sat down on the floor across from us, "Ashton doesn't have a shirt on, so why do I have to get one?" 

"Ashton is prettier than you," I replied in a flat voice. 

Sam clutched his heart and pushed out his bottom lip, but before he could respond with whatever stupid thing he was going to say, the door to the medical room opened and my mom walked out.  

I immediately jumped to my feet. Her white apron had more dried blood on it than I liked and her hair was matted to her forehead. "How is he?" 

"Well, four broke ribs, broken arm, you saw the damage to his face, numerous stitches, but he is awake and he will recover." 

I rushed forward and grabbed my mom up into a tight hug, "Can I go in?" 

"I would prefer you did, you need to find out what's going on." My mom patted my shoulder and then smacked both Ashton and Sam on the heads and told them to follow her. I shot Ashton a smile as he walked away, trying to assure him that I would be fine. Once they turned the corner at the end of the hall and I couldn't see them anymore, I rushed into the room.  

Web was lying on the small table with his right arm wrapped up and resting in a sling. His face was still swollen, but whatever my mom had done brought it down slightly. His face was clear of all dried blood, leaving the dark purple bruises more visual. He had white bandages on his head, face, and arms. I was sure he had more under his clothes, but I couldn't see them. 

He was in a clean white shirt that was a tad too big on him and he had a pair of gray sweatpants covering his legs. My mom must have kept spare clothes in this room, because I was watching the door since they went in and I knew for sure that no one had come or gone.  

"Hey Web," I spoke softly. I walked up to the left side of the bed and grabbed ahold of his good hand.  

He opened his one eye and turned his head towards me, letting a small smile grace his messed up features. "Hey Em." 

"How are you feeling?" 

He licked his lips and took a deep breath, "I can't feel anything, that lady gave me a shot of something wonderful." 

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