The Guardians

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"Move faster!" I yelled as Sam and I walked with Anthony's body. I felt horrible at the relief that flooded through my body when he involuntarily shifted back into his human form. I had yet to see Ashton, but I knew the dying body that I was carrying wasn't his and because of that I was able to keep myself composed.  

"I'm going!" Sam was walking backward, carefully supporting Anthony's head while I carried his feet.  

Because of my attack on Alan, he didn't actually get a chance completely slit Anthony's throat, but he got it deep enough that he had a steady stream of blood dripping onto the forest floor. All around us, pack members were carrying other wounded. I had missed so much destruction while I was fighting with Ivy and trying to help other people.  

Between all the people I saw already in the house and all the people I could see being carried, we had sustained a lot of damage. If Alan wasn't trying to get us to surrender, which I couldn't understand, we would have all been dead. He had way more than 100 men and he was just toying with us, showing us what power he had. All it would take is one pack to surrender to start a downfall. Like dominoes, one pack falls and then eventually they all fall.  

"Coming up on the porch Sam," I warned so he wouldn't trip. I already didn't like that we were jerking Anthony around, but it couldn't be helped.  

Sam carefully maneuvered himself onto the porch and thankfully the back door was already propped open. Everyone waited for us to go in first and we moved quickly. We came around the door and into the kitchen to see that the table and floors were covered with bodies. I looked up to Sam, not knowing what we were going to do.  

"Mom!" I yelled out at the same time Sam called, "Sadie!" 

We didn't stop moving, although we did have to slow down to get around all the bodies without hurting them or Anthony any further. By the time we made it into the living room, my mom was there. Just looking at her you would think she too was injured. Her white apron was covered in blood, she had smudges on her face and clothes, and her whole appearance was disheveled.  

"What happened?" Mom asked as she guided Sam and me over to an open area.  

"Alan went for the kill, trying to cut his throat, but Em rammed into him," Sam explained between breathes. 

We sat Anthony's body down on the floor on a clean sheet that my mom had just laid out. My arms and legs were shaking and I couldn't seem to catch my breath. "What now?" I asked my mom.  

"There's a pile of clothes by the door, put some on and bring some back for Sam," she addressed me, then to Sam she said, "Support his head, do not let it move at all." 

I ran back over to the back door and rummaged through the sweat pants and t-shirts. It hadn't even crossed my mind that I wasn't dressed, and no one even acted like they noticed. I pulled out the smallest pants I could find for myself, which were still too big and I ended up rolling the waist band several times. I didn't even waist time searching for a shirt that would fit me, I just grabbed the first one I saw and threw it on. I couldn't understand why they had picked white shirts and gray pants, since they were the lightest colors, but I kept that to myself, figuring now wouldn't be the right time to bring it up. I made sure to grab a pair of large pants for Sam and then ran back over.  

I sat the pants down next to Sam and then joined him on the floor, supporting my body on my knees.  

"Sam put some clothes on, Ember hold his head," mom ordered, motioning to Anthony.  

I quickly put my hands over Sam's and then he gently pulled his away. My mom had already rinsed out the wound while I was putting clothes on and she was now running a threaded needle through his skin and closing up the wound. "Is he gonna be ok?" 

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