You're A Mean Girl

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Two days. Two frickin days! I had been at the pack house for two damn days and Ashton had been avoiding me for both of them. Also, I hadn't heard from Web and I was really worried about him. Yet, I refused to crumble under the pressure and find Ashton or call Web. If I found Ashton, then I would lose and all my hard work would be for nothing. I didn't need nor want him thinking it was ok to hide things from me. I couldn't call Web because someone who didn't like me may answer and then I would put me and Web into more trouble than we were already in.  

I had talked to Sam almost every day and he informed me that Ashton hated the fact that he could smell me all over Sam. He really had nothing to worry about, Sam was technically my cousin and I thought of him like a brother. I wasn't opposed to using him to piss off Ashton though. I had seen Ashton a few times, but every time he sensed me he would turn and go in a different direction. Thankfully Sam says that his resolve is breaking.  

I filled my time by hanging out with my parents and Eric. I wasn't as comfortable with my dad as I was with my mom. I think between the two of us we had nothing good to say, that or we were both emotionally stunted. Dad gave me hugs and told me how much he missed me, we just didn't spend a lot of alone time together. I figured that would change once we got more used to each other. I got to meet my Aunt Elly and I think she's completely bonkers, and so is Kyle. My cousin Kyle was a maniac, he was really into BMX and I watched him practice yesterday until my heart couldn't handle him almost dying anymore.  

As promised, my mom and Aunt Elly took me shopping, and within four hours I had more clothes than I needed, a new phone, and an IPod. I also spent a few hours with each set of my grandparents, which led to more shopping. I couldn't remember a time when I came home with so many things for myself. It was slightly overwhelming, but in a good way.  

Once all of that was done I found myself with still too much alone time on my hands. So, I ended up downloading music for my IPod, which is what I was currently doing.  

"Em!" I heard Sam whisper yelled from my door. 

I turned around in my chair and raised an eyebrow, "Sam?" 

"Ashton's coming to talk to you, say yes!" He rushed out and then disappeared from my door.  

I stood up quickly and rushed over to the wall where I had recently hung my new, full length mirror. I didn't exactly look as good as I wanted to in my jean capris and plain pink tank top, but knew I didn't have enough time to change. I shook my head and pulled the band out of my hair, allowing it to fall in waves down over my shoulders. I quickly ran my fingers through it and then rushed back over to me laptop and began to click through things like I had never moved.  

I smelt Ashton the second he stepped in my door way, "Um, your room looks nice," he spoke out nervously.  

"Thanks," I answered without looking away from my computer, "What can I do for you?" 

"Turn around?" 

I smiled to myself and then wiped my face clear as I spun around, "What's up?" I thankfully got my words out before I actually got a good look at him, because if I would have seen him first, I would have been speechless. He looked amazing. He wore a pair a light washed jeans and black button up shirt, with the sleeves rolled up, accenting his muscles perfectly. He had his short brown hair styled perfectly with what smelled like hair gel. His beautiful green eyes shone brightly as he looked at me and I realized right then just how much I had missed him.  

I watched Ashton shift on his feet and then rub the back of his neck while looking down, "I was, uh just wondering, uh if you wanted to go for a walk?" 

I smiled at his nervousness, it was absolutely adorable. I can't lie, I toyed with the idea of saying no, just to further teach him a lesson. My wolf's excitement and even my own wouldn't allow me to say no, "Sure, that sounds nice." 

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