Cool Story Bro

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The Alpha, Ethan, stared at me with wide eyes for a few moments. I shifted uneasily on my feet. His stare made me nervous. Was he going to kill me?  

He cleared his throat and then addressed me, "That's abnormal, how did this happen?" 

"I'm not sure," I replied. I found it irritating that everyone seemed to think I had all the answers. I didn't have any answers, I had all the same questions they did. That's why I agreed to come, I needed help and I wanted answers.  

"Are your parent's hunters?" Ethan asked.  

"Yes," I said at the same time Ashton said, "They aren't her parents." 

Ethan looked between the two of us and then smiled, "Can you two go wait in my office, I would like to get a few people to help us with this." 

"Yes sir," Ashton nodded.  

I followed Ashton through the large house and towards a long hallway. There were pictures all over the walls of a ton of different people. Some of which I actually saw walking around town the other night. I figured that this must be the pack house, it was so big, why else would they need such a huge place.  

Ashton opened a door that was halfway down the hall. I stepped into the office and sat down in a chair that sat right in front of a large mahogany desk. "So, I guess this never happens?" I asked, needing to fill the silence.  

Ashton took the seat next to me and crossed his arms over his chest as he leaned back, "Nope, I've never heard of it." 

"Why were you in my hotel room?" I had just realized that I never even thought to ask him that once we started talking.  

"We were very curious as to why a wolf was hanging out with hunters, we thought that you might need some help," he replied.  

"You knew they were hunters? How?" The only time someone had ever figured out what we were was when we forgot to put on perfume, or before we found out that they even knew about us.  

"We've been trained," was all he said.  

"Care to explain that further?" I asked. I turned in my seat so that I was facing him. 

"How bout this," he said sitting up and turning towards me. I couldn't help but think about how hot he was. Everything about him was amazing, right down to his dirty Converse. "You answer one of my questions and I'll answer yours?" 

"Fine, so answer mine and then I'll let you go," I smiled.  

"We have a member who taught us how to distinguish between scent and perfume," he answered, "Now why are you here?" 

Aw crap, I should have thought about that before I agreed to answer. If he didn't hate me before, he probably would once I answered. "My father sent me here," I said, trying to evade the actual question.  

"You know that's not what I'm talking about," He sighed.  

"Fine, we were supposed to kill you, your brother, and Samuel and his brother." I watched his face as I spoke and refused to look away. I hadn't hurt anyone yet, so I had nothing to feel bad about. Although I still felt bad, horrible actually, I wouldn't let it show. That was the first rule of hunting, show no fear. Weakness was not allowed or tolerated where I came from, and fear was definitely a weakness.  

"Why?" He yelled, standing up.  

I fought the urge to cringe away from him. His words were loud and harsh, feeling as though they ripped into my skin and rocked my bones. "I don't know." 

He marched over to my chair and put a hand on each arm before he leaned in, only inches away from my face, "Do not lie to me Emily." His voice came out low and there was a slight growl to it, his perfect green eyes lightened up and I knew he was pissed.  

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