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I watched as Sadie ran down the hall and towards me. She must have been doing something outside because the knees of her jeans were wet with mud stuck to them. She was wearing a white tank top that also had dirt on it and in her hands was a pair of gardening gloves.  

"What the hell happened to you?" Sadie yelled as she ran up to me. 

"Karma," I breathed out. 

"Explain please." Sadie pursed her lips together and began to move my hands and pull up my shirt.  

"I was stabbed by a hunter." I pushed her hands away and pulled my shirt back down, "I'm all wrapped up, we should probably go somewhere private." 

"Can you even walk?" 

"Maybe?" I wasn't sure at all what I could do. Everything hurt and I really didn't want to walk, but I also didn't want to flash everyone in the living room, which was quickly filling up with people. 

When I first entered the house I only saw the blonde guy, but soon enough the fact that a girl was bleeding in the entry way attracted a crowd. If I hadn't been the bleeding girl I would have felt embarrassed, but because I was bleeding and in a lot of pain, I didn't care at all.  

The crowd started moving around as somebody was pushing their way to the front. "Whoa, what happened?" Sam asked as he made it to the front of the crowd.  

"I harbor so much awesomeness that I exploded," I joked. My voice was shaky and weak and Sam didn't even crack a smile.  

His eyebrows scrunched together and he moved closer to Sadie and me, "Yeah? Did it beat up your face too? Who did this to you?" 


"Damn," he breathed out, "Ashton was right, you shouldn't have left." 

"Well, it's too late now," Sadie interrupted, "Just help me get her into the medical room." 

Sam nodded and put his arm under mine and took most of my weight. I felt a smidge of guilt as my bloodied had rested on his shoulder, leaving a handprint on his white shirt. We moved through the crowd quickly, since they all parted like the red sea once we started walking. Sadie ran ahead of us and into a room that was only a few feet away.  

Sam and I entered the medical room. It looked exactly like an exam room you would see in a doctor's office. There was a blue padded table and a counter that Sadie was quickly filling up with medical supplies.  

"Lose the shirt," Sadie called over her shoulder. 

I looked up and Sam, "Turn around." 


"I don't have a bra on, and if you look I'll use what little strength I have left to make sure you never reproduce." 

Sam laughed but turned around as I ordered. I quickly pulled my tank top off and held it against my bare chest. Once I was certain that nothing was showing I tapped on Sam's back, letting him know that he could turn back. 

"Sam, I want you to unwrap her while I get ready to rinse," Sadie ordered. 

I lifted my elbows up and nodded at Sam to go ahead. He quickly began to remove the ace wrap, I could immediately feel it tugging at my skin and pulling on my wound. I bit down on my cheek to keep myself quiet. I wouldn't have cared about crying in front of Sadie, but I didn't want to look weak to Sam.  

I heard the wrap fall to the floor and felt Sadie pulling at the blood soaked bandage. Once she began to flush the wound I started talking in an attempt to take my mind off the pain. "Where's Ashton?" 

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