Not Friends Anymore

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"Emily Ann Foster, you wake up right now," an angry Ivy yelled in my face. I cracked on eye open and saw her eyes narrowed and her lip curled up, and then closed my eye and rolled over. Hell no I wasn't going to wake up, she was pissed. "Now!" She yelled, pushing my body around roughly.  

"Fine," I groaned. I sat up and swung my legs over the side of the bed. "What is so important?" I leaned over to see that Web was still sleeping and I groaned again. I should have still been sleeping too.  

When I brought my attention back to Ivy, she tossed a pocket knife at me which I caught out of reflex. The moment my hands touched it they began to burn and I had to quickly let it go. I jumped up from the bed and bounced around, hissing out in pain.  

"What's going on?" I heard Web ask in a thick voice. 

"Ask Em," Ivy spat out.  

"I don't know, you threw a knife at me and it cut me!" I lied, obviously. My hand was already blistering up, I could feel it as I held onto it. 

"Oh, alright, what about this?" Ivy tossed my phone at me, I once again caught it out of reflex and caused pain to shoot up my arms.  

I opened my phone and saw that I had 14 new texts from an unknown number, I also saw that they had already been read. "You went through my phone?" I hissed.  

"Why don't you read so you can explain," Ivy responded. She was still in her sleep clothes; small shorts and a tank top, so I knew she hadn't been up long, just long enough to go through my shit.  

I opened up the messages and read through them; there were a few that stood out. 

-You shouldn't have left - A wolf shouldn't be alone with hunters - They will kill you if they find out -Shift and run your ass back here. 

I looked up from my phone to see Ivy holding a silver knife, "You're a wolf." She spat out and even through all her anger I couldn't miss the betrayal in her voice.  

"I didn't know," I tried to explain.  

Ivy launched her body at me and together we crashed against the dresser before falling to the floor, with her on top of me. She made a quick move with the knife and I had to reach up to hold her hand away from me. For a moment I stared at the shiny silver blade that was only inches away from my face. The moment was too much for me to process; I was being attacked by my best friend, because I was a wolf and she was a hunter. 

The blade moved forward a tiny bit, but that was all I needed to finally react. I used all my strength to knock her arm hard into the dresser, I had to do it twice before the knife fell from her hand and landed on my bare shoulder. I could feel and hear my skin burning, since I too was only in a small tank top and shorts, my skin was extremely vulnerable.  

"Ivy stop!" Web yelled.  

Ivy didn't stop though, she went for the knife but I jerked my body around, while pushing her away with both my hands on her shoulders. It took quite a bit of movement on my behalf, but finally the knife slide off of me. Ivy responded by sending a punch into my right cheek, and then repeated it on the other side. I threw my arms over my face to protect from any further damage and I attempted to wiggle my body free. I didn't want to fight her, and I wasn't planning on it. All I wanted to do was protect myself from her blows and hope that once she was done and got all her anger out she wouldn't feel the need to kill me.  

I felt the weight being lifted off my body and I uncovered my face to see Web holding Ivy. She was kicking and thrashing around, screaming at Web to let her go.  

I jumped up and held my hands out in front of me, "Calm down Ivy! I'm still your best friend!" 

"You're one of them!" 

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