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"The man who claims to be your father is actually your uncle," Ethan continued as I stared at the other two adults in the room, "we thought him to be dead, I guess we were wrong." 

"We looked everywhere for you," Sadie said in a small voice. The way she looked at me made me feel weird. It was like she expected me to disappear at any moment.  

"Apparently you didn't look everywhere," I responded shortly. I was angry and I wasn't sure why. Maybe it was the truth and I couldn't handle it, but I was pissed.  

"We never stopped looking," she replied pleadingly, "our whole pack knows about you and knows to keep an eye out for you." 

"You're real name is Ember," Ashton spoke softly.  

I whipped my head around and stared him down. The name he spoke sounded familiar to me, but I didn't remember actually hearing it. My anger just continued to grow, finding out that I didn't even know my real name didn't settle well with me. "You should have looked harder, you should have found me sooner," I growled out, not taking my eyes off of Ashton.  

"We had every pack in the US looking for you," Jackson spoke, sounding just as tortured as Sadie. It did nothing to curb my anger though.  

"I wasn't in the US!" I yelled, standing up and giving Jackson and Sadie my full attention. "I was in England, where I was taught to hunt. Where they trained me to kill! You should have looked everywhere! Now it's too late, I've already killed and you didn't save me from that!" By the time I was done yelling I was breathing heavy, Sadie was crying, and the males had wide eyes. Yeah, surprise, the girl raised as a hunter has killed.  

"I don't know what to say," Sadie whispered.  

"I need some air," I said, looking away from everyone. I didn't like having all their eyes on me and I couldn't not be angry. I turned and went for the door causing everyone in the room to tense up. "Don't worry, I'm not running off," I spat out and I left the room. 

I didn't know my way around so I just headed straight for the front door. I needed fresh air, I felt like the walls of the house were closing in on me. It was all too much to deal with. I had a different name, I had different parents, and I should have had a different life. I knew me killing a wolf didn't feel right, I was never meant to live that life.  

I stepped out the front door and took a seat on the porch steps. I couldn't decide what I was more angry about; what I had just learned or the fact that my own family, my uncle, had done something so horrible to me. It made sense now why he never seemed loving to me.  

I heard the door open behind me and then Ashton sat down next to me, leaving a few inches of space between us, which I was very thankful for. Another thing I didn't want to deal with, the damn boy who made my body go crazy. "What do you want?" I whined out.  

"You should give Sadie and Jackson a break. Since I can remember they have been looking for you," Ashton said softly.  

"Great, you found me, job done," I replied harshly. "You can go now." 

"Why are you so pissed at me?" He asked calmly, "I helped you, I brought you to your real family." 

I stood up, becoming too anxious to sit any longer, "Why am I mad?" I screeched. "My so called father kidnapped me, turned me into a killer, and then sent me to kill my real family. Let's not forget that I didn't even know my own name! Damn Ashton, I don't know why any of that would anger me." 

"Well you should calm the hell down!" He yelled, standing up with me, "It's over now, so you can relax!" 

"You think it's over?" I laughed, sounding as crazy as I felt. "It's not over. Do you even know how many hunter's my father has?" 

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