I Did It!

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I woke up the next morning feeling no better than when I went to sleep. I was still on edge and I had a feeling that it was my wolf but I wasn't sure. I wasn't brought up with a shifter family so I had no idea what all these anxious and foreboding feelings meant. I was guessing that I needed to let my wolf out to run or whatever it is that wolves do. Once again, I had no idea. It wasn't like I could just call my loving and understanding father for advice, I was totally on my own and it sucked.  

I heard the key slot click on the door and I sat up, Ivy rushed into the room and dropped a white bag on my bed. She had a huge smile on her face and I narrowed my eyes at her. She was already showered and dressed, overdressed even, wearing a light pink summer dress. Her hair was slightly curled and her make-up was done to perfection. 

"What are you up to?" I finally asked. She liked sleep a lot and was never up before me. Judging by her looks, she had been up for a while. 

"I just wanted to get us some breakfast," She smiled. She was too happy, bouncing around on the balls of her feet with a huge, cheesy smile.  

I leaned forward and grabbed the bag, "Care to fill me in on what else you were doing?" I asked. Before I even opened up the bag I could smell exactly what was in there. Hash browns, scrambled eggs with cheese, sausage, and bacon. As much as I wasn't sure about the whole wolf thing, the enhanced sense of smell was cool.  

"I may have found something out and I may have acted on it," Ivy said, her smile growing even bigger.  

"Stop smiling like that, you look like the Joker and it's scaring me," I winced. "Now, what did you do?" 

"I overheard those boys talking last night at the arcade, and it turns out that the soon to be Alpha works at the local diner," She said sounding very proud. 

I looked down at the bag resting on my lap and sighed, "You didn't." 

"I did!" She squealed, "I went to Mary's Diner and got our breakfast and a date." 

"Great job Ivy," I smiled, not meaning it at all. This job had me on edge and I was nervous for her. "When is this date?" 

"In an hour," she gushed, "He is so cute!" 

"Well, take protection," I smiled. 

Ivy nodded and then walked over to the small vanity area that was situated in a small space before the bathroom. I watched as she began to touch up her hair and make-up.  

Web walked out of the bathroom just then and smacked Ivy's hand that was applying lipstick, she ended up with a think line of red across her cheek. She screeched out and smacked him before going back to work.  

"What's she all dressed up for?" he asked me. 

"She has a date with the Alpha," I replied. I pushed the bag of food away from me, no longer feeling hungry.  

"Oh," he breathed out, He looked back at Ivy and then shrugged. "There's a horror movie marathon at the theater, wanna go?" 

"You go, I think I'm just gonna go for a run," I replied giving Web a pointed look, making sure he realized that I was talking about my wolf. 

"Oh, ok then. Movie day for me," he winked.  

"Are you sure?" Ivy asked, "You love horror movies." 

Ivy was right, I absolutely loved horror movies. It was my favorite type of movie but only because the girls were always so stupid, shoot even the dudes were dumb. I loved talking shit to the actors and telling them where they should have gone, and I was pretty good at guessing when and how a character would die.  

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