Teach Me How To Say Goodbye

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(y/n) POV

   Mr. Stoe took me back to my house, just in case I found anything that survived, but it was no use. The entire house was reduced to blackened wooden beams and a smoldering foundation. But I was optimistic. I walked up to the house, looking straight ahead, afraid that if I looked anywhere else I would see the burned remains of my parents.

   My room was but a shadow of it was. Where my desk used to be there was a pile of ash. All of my books were a distant, burning memory. Which was why I was astonished to find something in the room virtually untouched. A stuffed wolf my parents had given me for my birthday. I named her Luna (what else would you name a wolf), and I used as a prop if I needed a stuff animal. I picked her up and hugged her tight. If this was the only thing to survive the fire, I wasn't going to let go of it anytime soon.

   We reached the hotel we'd spend the night at around 6. Mr. Stoe left me to my own devices in my room. 

   "Feel free to order room service," Mr. Stoe informed me, "I'll pay for it." 

   I probably thanked him a million times before he went into his room. I immediately ordered two cinnamon rolls. My ultimate comfort food. After I ate, my phone started ringing. It was my other best friend (o/f/n). It hit me that I was suppose to go to rehearsal for Oliver today (yes, I'm in two shows at once. It's not as hard as you may think). 

   "Hey, man, what's up?" I asked.

   "I just heard what happened. I'm so sorry (y/n)," he/she replied. I should've known that he/she knew about my parents. (o/f/n) somehow has a way of knowing everything that goes on in his/her friend's lives. 

   "It's fine. At least they've already found me a guardian." I was trying to look on the bright side.

   "Where will you go? I thought your parents were the only family left?" I was wrong. Apparently (o/f/n) doesn't know everything that goes on.

   "Apparently I have a distant cousin in... Ireland," I told him/her.

   "IRELAND?!" he/she shrieked," But what if we never see you again?"

   "Hey, don't stress. I'll call every chance I get. Maybe he'll have Skype." I tried to sound optimistic, but I knew it wasn't working. I'm terrible at keeping touch with people if I don't see them regularly. Eventually I'll forget, and I'll not call them for a long time, and who knows if I'll get the chance to come back...

   "Please tell me there's something good out of it this?" (o/f/n)'s voice shook my out of my thoughts.

   I remembered Mr. Stoe telling me the name of my new guardian. I had recognized the name, but didn't know from where. It was Ob who had reminded me.

   "My cousin is Jacksepticeye," I told him/her. I barely got his name out before I heard the girly scream.

   "OMG! Now that's good news. You have to send me picture of you and him together!"

   "Sure thing." (o/f/n) had a habit of being a little selfish, but she was good friend, and extremely loyal. In fact, she was going to  remember what happened in 3,2,1...

   "Oh... sorry. I forgot for a second. It's fine. You don't have to." he/she said apologetically.

   "It's cool. I have to go though. My plane takes off early in the mourning. I'll talk to you later."

   "K. If you need anything, let me know. Bye."


    After I hung up, I got into a pair of pjs Mr. Stoe had bought for me before we came to the hotel. I sank into the bed, but couldn't fall asleep. A million thoughts were swirling in my head now.

   What if I do lose contact with my friends...

   What if the people at my new school are jerks...

    What if I end up alone... 

   "You'll always have me (y/n). You couldn't be alone if you wanted to." Ob always knew how to make me laugh. With that thought, I was able to finally go to sleep.

Jack's POV

   I finished getting the room for (y/n) ready. I really didn't have space for someone else anymore, but I'm the only family she has left. 

   "Awww, how sweet," a voice in my head replied tauntingly, "Jackaboy as a soft spot for the  Shadow-dancer."

   I scowled. It was the demon bastard that live inside my head. Antisepticeye. 

   "If you do anything to (y/n), I swear I'll-"

   "You'll what?" Anti interrupted, "You can't do anything to me without the same thing happening to you. Imagine what you'd put (y/n) through."

   Instead of answering his bait, I asked him a question that had been on my mind for 5 years. 

   "What the fuck happened to you, man?" I said, "We were so close when we were kids. What changed?"

   Silence. For the first time, I was able to shut Anti up. I decided to go to bed on a good note. As I lied down, something Anti said came back into my brain. He had called (y/n) the "Shadow-dancer".


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