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(y/n) POV

   Second day of school. Maybe today will be better. I hopped out of bed and started getting dressed. I had just finished when I heard a knock at the door.

   "Hey, (y/n)," Jack called, "Can I come in?"

   "Sure thing," I answered. Jack walked in, still in the clothes he wore yesterday. I wonder if he even took them off.

   "Hey... so you have a snow day today," Jack said slowly. My mouth hung open for a second.

   "A snow day?!" I repeated, "But it's only October!"

   "The snow starts coming down a lot earlier this far north," Jack explained.

   "Thanks," I said. I walked out of the room with him to go to the kitchen. I grabbed the cereal box, a bowl, a spoon, and a carton of milk and started eating.

   "So what are you going to do today?" Jack asked. We hadn't really talked since the first day I came. He was either to busy with his Youtube channel, or I was too trying to keep in touch with all my friends back home (which is going pretty well, but really exhausting).

   "I don't know," I answered, "Do you have the stuff to make hot chocolate?"

   "Do I?!" Jack shouted, walking towards the cupboard. He grabbed all the stuff to make hot chocolate and set it all out on the table, "Do you know how to make hot chocolate?"

   "Yeah," I answered, "I'd make it all the time with mom." I slumped my shoulder and looked down at the floor. All the emotions that I felt that day after rehearsal came flooding back. I felt Jack's arms wrap around me in a hug.

   "Hey, don't worry," he said, "I know it's hard. I can't begin to image what you're going through right now, but if you ever need to talk, don't be afraid to come to me."

   "Thanks, Jack," I replied. I went over to the table, "Though I think all I need right now is nice cup of hot chocolate." 

   Jack left to go record some videos, and I started making hot chocolate. After about 15 minutes (Ob was trying to figure out the perfect "hot chocolate to marshmallow" ratio.) I was sitting in my room, sipping on cocoa.

   "What do you want to do," I asked/thought. 

   "Hmmmm... We could talk to Lily," Ob suggested.

   "But we don't have her number," I replied. Note to self: Get Lily's phone number.

   "No need, mon amie," Ob said, "I might have briefly sneaked into her mind and gotten her number."

   "Ob!" I practically shrieked inside my head, "You promised that you wouldn't do that." During October, Ob becomes more powerful. We're not entirely why, but we think it has something to with the fact that she's technically a demon, but that's besides the point. One of her powers she has in October is that she can leave my mind and go into the minds of others. It's only temporary, and if she tried to leave for more then a day she would be forced back into my head (believe me, we checked. It was so painful...). Ob had promised me that she wouldn't go into other people's minds unless we both agreed it was okay, and she wouldn't take any personal information or mess with their minds. Here I was thinking that I could trust a demon!

   "I know," Ob tried to argue, "but I knew that you would want her number at some point, so I thought I would save you the trouble of trying to ask and making a fool of yourself."

   "First off, ow. I like to think that have some tact," I started, "And two, what do we do when I text her and she wonders where I got her number."

   "Oh," Ob started, "I could go into her mind and modify her memory."

   "No!," I shouted. This had gone far enough, "I'll just see if I can talk to Alex." 

   I finished up my hot chocolate, and went to the kitchen to put the cup away. On my back, I passed Jack's recording room. I started to wonder what he was recording. Curiosity got the better of me, and I crouched down to watch for a bit. It looked like Jack was playing a horror game. It took me a second to figure out it was FNAF- Sister Location. At one point, Jack leaned back in this chair (kinda like you do when you're waiting (or bored)) and something... happened.

   It was almost as if Jack came out of his body. He leaned back in the chair, but an outline of him stayed where Jack had been. Jack tossed and turned for a few seconds, and sat upright in his chair. The outline melted into his body, and Jack continued on with the video.

   I fought of the urge to run to my room, but moved as quickly and quietly as possible. I could feel that Ob was afraid. You knew it's bad when the demon is scared. It also means something very important.

   "You know what happened," I said in my head as I closed the door. It was more of a statement than a question. 

   "Unfortunately," Ob replied, "The closer we get to October, the more power a demon gets. You know how we can sometimes get extra powers. One of the powers we have is to... temporarily leave our host's body. Since we don't have proper bodies, we look more like a shadow of our host." 

   As Ob explained what had happened, my heart began to sink. A small lump started growing in my throat when I realized what Ob was trying to tell me.

   "You... you mean..." I said, not being able to finish the thought.

   "Yeah," Ob replied.

   "Well... maybe he's not that bad," I tried to reason, "Maybe he's like you."

   "(y/n), you know that I'm a special case," Ob said, "The odds of Jack's demon being nice, or at least tolerable, are astronomical."

   "So what are we going to do," I asked, feeling defeated.

   "We have to make sure that he knows about the demon," Ob said, a plan starting to form in our mind, "We can't let him keep going around and not know what kind danger he's in."

   "Alright," I replied, "After he finishes recording."

   "Let's hope that he takes it well," Ob commented.

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