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(y/n) POV

   "Hello Anti," I said. I made sure to keep a safe distance away from him. You can never be sure with demons.

   "Well... you're the one who wanted to talk," he said as he sat down on the couch, "What do you want?"

   "Can Jack hear and see what you do?" I asked. There was a reason why I didn't tell Jack why I wanted to talk to Anti.

   "Not if I don't want him to," Anti answered, "Which I don't."

   "Are you sure?" I asked. Anti acted surprised, putting a hand over his heart.

   "(y/n)," he said, "I'm shocked. I thought you trusted me." He stopped pretending and had a cocky smile on his face. "You're smarter than I gave you credit for. Go ahead and have Ob check."


   Ob you know that I need this. Please...

   There was a moment of silence as Ob went into Anti/Jack's mind.

    He's telling the truth.

   Thank you.

   "Now down to business," (y/n) said, "Have you ever heard of a demon named Bill?"

   "Bill..." Anti said. He rubbed his chin like he was thinking, "Isn't he the one that got his host killed."

   "That's the one," I said, "What do you know about him?"

   "Not much," Anti answered, "He didn't have a good relationship with his host, or anyone for that matter. One day he took it to far, and gave up his host to another demon. He left his host's body right before he died, and he went to find another one. Why do you want to know?"

   "That's not your business," I said. I promised I wouldn't tell anyone my connection to Bill, and that is a promise I intend to keep.

   "Really," Anti replied, "Because I believe that there was a rumor going around at the time that Bill had given up his host that the host's girlfriend was going to destroy him." He looked at me with a new found hunger in his eyes. "Care to confirm."

   I was taken aback when Anti said this. The promise never said anything about not talking about it with people who knew. 

   "You're right," I said, "After Will died, I wanted to avenge him. The only main problem being that he made sure that no one knew who is new host was. Haven't stopped trying though. I met him a couple of times. His ego will get in his way." At this point I was doing everything to keep from completely losing it. Talking about him never ended well.

   Anti patted me on the back. "Well, best of luck, (y/n)," he said, "I'm afraid my 5 minutes is up, but don't worry. We'll be seeing each other very soon."

   Before I could reply, he crumpled onto the couch. As Jack regained control of his body, Ob started taking control of mine.

   Yes! I haven't been able to go out since last summer!

   That's because the last time you were out you kissed Alex!

   It's not my fault she's hot!

   Just... promise me that you won't do anything that will through me into an insane asylum.

   FINE. You're no fun.

Ob's POV

   When (y/n) finally let me take control, Jack was still in the mid-way point. Maybe I should give them lessons on how to easily swap places. Step One: Don't be a dick to each other!

   I ran to the bathroom real quick so I could get a good look at my reflection. I haven't seen myself in months! I reached the mirror and smiled. My (f/c) eyes were a vibrant as ever.

   "It's good to be back." 

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