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A/N f/p/t stands for favorite pizza topping

(y/n) POV

   I heard a knock on the door. I quickly wiped my tears away. 

   "Come in," I said. I didn't turn around. I'm an ugly crier.

   "Hey," Jack said, "I was planning on ordering a pizza. Do you like anything on yours?"

   "(f/p/t)," I replied quickly, "and (o/f/p/t). Please."

   "Sure thing," Jack left, probably to order the pizza.

    I stood up and looked for a place to wipe away my tears. I rarely cried as it is, and I hated when people saw me doing it. Luckily, there was a bathroom branching off of my room, without any need of going into the hallway. 

   "Pizza's here!" Jack shouted about half an hour later.

   "Coming!" I shouted back. I took one last look in the mirror. I still had puffy eyes and tears marks going down my face, but it was better than it was before. Maybe he wouldn't notice. I walked down the hallway and into a small living room. Jack had the pizza, two plates, and two cups filled with what looked like Coke sitting on the table. As soon as Jack saw me he went from cheerful to concerned.

   "Hey, are you okay?" he asked. I should have known he would notice.

   "I did," Ob commented.

   "I'm fine," I said while mentally glaring at Ob.

   "No, you're not," Jack said. He came over and gave me a hug. It felt... different from when people normally hug me. It was warm, and comforting. I felt that as long as I was in his embrace everything was okay. I haven't had a hug like that since... since... I met my ex-boyfriend Will. I hugged him back and went into another stage of crying.

   "Hey, shh, shh," Jack whispered, "It's okay. It's going to be fine."

   "How do you know?" I asked, "How can you be sure that things won't get worse?"

   "Because I promise that was long as I live, I will make sure you never have to go through what you're going through again. Or anything worse." 

   I never thought I'd hug someone I just must met twice in one day.

   "Thanks, Jack," I said, feeling the tears slowly stopping.

   "No need to thank me," Jack replied, "Come on. You're probably hungry after the trip over here."

   "You kidding? After nothing to eat be but airline food? I'm starving," I joked. Jack and I laughed. We sat down and ate. He explained that I would start school next Monday. We joked and talked about random stuff. For the first time in 2 days, I felt like maybe things wouldn't be so bad. 

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