A Day In The Life Of Jacksepticeye

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Jack's POV

   I went back to the apartment and immediately started recorded videos. I had gotten behind a bit on videos with (y/n) around, but it was worth it. It was the day before October, and I wanted to do something special for it. Something all month long. Something different. Something...

   "Insane?"  I could tell from his tone that Anti had an idea.

   "No, Anti. The last time you had an idea, I ended up proposing to Mark," I thought.

   "Oh, come that was fun," he countered, "Look, just hear me out. It's actually a good idea for Halloween."

   "Huh, fine. What's your idea?" I said.

   "Me," he said, "Let me show up every now and then. Just brief staticy images. Then on Halloween, I get "set free"."

   "So let me get this straight," I replied slowly, "Your idea is to let you loose, and basically tell everyone that you exists."

   "Don't be stupid," Anti retorted, "They'll think that it's all a big show. I can do some memory stuff to Robin to make him think that he edited everything."

   "You are not going to do anything to Robin," I warned.

   "Fine. But it'll be harder without the memory magic. He'll let out fairly quickly that he never edited me in."

   I was quiet for few minutes. I'll admit that it would fun to put Anti into the videos. As far as anyone else is concerned, Anti is a fan-made creation. (Really he let himself leak out when he first took control of my body.) But what if he used it has an opening to hurt people. Or (y/n)? 

   "Don't worry about little Shadowdancer," Anti replied, "I promise I won't hurt her." Fuck, I forgot that he can read my thoughts. 

   I thought about it some more. I still didn't know why Anti called (y/n) Shadowdancer. He wouldn't say. But... I think back to the times when Anti and I were kids. We would have so much fun together. He was like another brother to me. But in the past few years, he's changed. He's become more... sinister, more secretive. 

   But every since (y/n) arrived, he's started acting more like his old self again. Maybe he was just going through a faze. And as long as he didn't hurt anyone, it's not like any real harm was being done.

   "Fine," I said, "What should we start with?"

   "Well Fnaf Sister Location came out recently," Anti replied. Even though I couldn't see him, I knew there was a giant smile on his face.

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