A Day In The Life Of Antisepticeye

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Anti's POV

I could feel myself getting stronger. Pretty soon, Halloween would be here, and I could finally leave behind this godforsaken body for something a bit more... desirable.

Hey dipshit, if you want to have that life, then get the hell over here and make sure that this bastard keeps working. I need to get something done.

I sighed. I had almost forgotten about that little catch. Him.

Yes, sir.

I transformed into my spirit form (something that can only happen in October), and teleported to LA. I entered an old, abandoned apartment building. It was dusty, there was no light except the light from the windows, and looked like no had been there in decades. I knew better.

"Glad to see you finally made it," said a deep voice behind me. I turned around to see my fri... my boss Darkiplier. Hos dark red eyes glowed brighter than I had ever seen.

"You said to show up," I retorted, "Where is it?"

"Follow me," he answered. He started walking to the wall on the far side of the room. He took off a piece of wallpaper that been Velcroed on, revealing a doorknob. Dark opened the door and walked into a that would have been a completely dark room if not for the candles surrounding the walls.

He looked pathetic. His glasses were cracked, and he was covered in cuts and bruises. I had to stop myself from punching Dark in the face. A demon's host and the demon are virtually the same with a few slight differences. To do this to your host, it was grotesque to say the least.

"It's only a means to an end," I thought to myself, "When this is all over, I'll give Dark a piece of my mind."

"Make sure he keeps working while I'm gone," Dark growled. Before I could respond, Dark left.

I watched Mark toil away at making the machine. He didn't know I was there, the only person who can see a demon in their spirit form is the host, and that was probably for the best. I don't know I what I would have done if I could talk to him.

Dark came back about an hour later. I mumbled a farewell, and left as soon as I could. I can't wait for this all to be over.


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