After Jack finished recording...

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(y/n)'s POV

   I heard the door to Jack's recording room close. I took a deep breath and followed him out into his gaming room. 

   "Hey... Jack," I said. Nerves were crawling on every part of my body. This was either going to go really well and Jack would believe me, or I would be sent to a therapist for the rest of my life.

   "Hey, (y/n)," Jack said as the Overwatch menu popped up on the screen, "What's up?"

   "Ummm... So I watched you record videos for a few minutes... and... I don't know... it might have been my imagination... but there was this one time where it looked almost like... like you... went out of your body," I said slowly.

   Jack suddenly stopped what he was doing, and turned to look at me. It wasn't a look of confusion or worry, but a look of resolution. It was at this point that I knew I had a serious mistake. I had assumed that Jack didn't know about his demon.

   "(y/n)," Jack started, "It's... it's complicated. I... don't know exactly where to start."

   "You don't have to," I interrupted, "I know it was your demon."

   Jack had such an amazing look of surprise that I had to stifle a laugh. The look of confusion on his face was, I'll admit, priceless. I've been spending too much time with Ob.

   There's no such thing as too time with me.

   "How... how did you know?" Jack asked.

   "You aren't the only one who has demons, Jack," I responded. I took a breath, and started telling Jack what I have never told anyone before, "Her name is Obsidian, but I call her Ob. She's been with me all my life, and my only constant through all the madness the past few days."

   "Does she... does she... act like a demon," Jack asked. I was surprised at how hard he was taking this. He has a demon too after all.

   "No! Not at all!" I answered, "She's really nice. Not like sickeningly sweet, but she's there for me. What about yours."

   Jack sat down on the couch, and gestured for me to join him.

   "His name is Antisepticeye," Jack started, "I call him Anti. When we were kids, he and I were close. He was like another brother to me, but... for a while he was acting weird. He never outright did anything, but he would imply these... plans that he's making. He'd always say that soon I wouldn't have to worry about him. Every since you showed up, though, he's been acting different. Not exactly like he did when we were kids, but... less creepy."

   "Why did he come out of your body," I asked.

   "It was this idea that he had for Halloween," Jack explained, "He 'accidentally' leaked himself out onto the internet a long time ago. He thought it would be fun to for him to 'take control' as a Halloween joke."

   "Can... can I meet him?" I asked. Jack stared at me, a shocked look on his face. I don't think he expected me to be stupid enough to want to have civilized conversation with a demon I just found out about.

   "Are...are you sure," Jack replied, "I honestly don't know what he would do. It could get dangerous."

   "It's not my first time talking to a demon," I said, "An... old friend had one. He wasn't the most charming person on the planet."

   Jack was silent for a moment. I didn't blame him for not wanting to let Anti out. Not only could it be dangerous, but he doesn't fully trust Anti. I would act the same way if I was in his position.

   "I'll make you a deal," Jack said, "You get five minutes with Anti, and I get five minutes with Ob."

   Don't drag me into this!

   "Deal," I replied, sticking my hand out for Jack to shake. After he shook my hand, he got a 'massive headache',  but knew it was Anti taking control. I stood up and backed away from the couch. 'Jack' relaxed and stood up and look at me. His right iris was glowing toxic green.

   "Top of the morning to ya, lass," Anti said.

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