A "Normal" Day

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(y/n)'s POV

   I woke up the next day feeling like a giant weight had been lifted off of my shoulders. Now that Jack knew about Ob, it seemed like it wasn't as big of a deal.

   I got dressed and went down the hall to eat breakfast. Jack was already there with a box of donuts in his hands.

   "You're just in time," he said, "I figured we both needed a pick me up after yesterday. I didn't know what kind you liked, so I just got a (f/d)."

   "You're in luck," I said, grabbing a donut out of the box, "That's my favorite."

   "So what do you want to be for Halloween?" Jack asked as we sat down at the kitchen table.

   "... I don't know," I answered, "I normally just go to the costume shop and see what fits and what I like."

   "Well, if you want, Jack replied, "We can go out and find you a Halloween costume."

   "Sure," I said, shrugging my shoulders, "But you aren't allowed to eat any of my candy."

   "Don't do that to me, (y/n)," Jack almost shouted (which, considering who we're talking about, means that it was basically shouting for a normal person), "How am I suppose to resist the deliciousness of candy under my own roof?"

   "By not looking at it," I replied. I grabbed another donut, and ran to my room and grabbed my backpack.

   "Bye, Jack," I shouted as I ran out the door.

   "Bye, (y/n)," Jack shouted back, "Be good!"

   I said that I would and walked out the door. I was still getting used to walking to school. Back home, I would take the bus (like most children in America), but since I live only a couple blocks from school, now walking's an option. I was almost to school when I heard a familiar voice from behind.

   "(y/n)," Lilly called out, "Wait up!" I stopped and turned around. I wasn't sure if it was mine or Ob's heart (but we technically have the same heart... I don't know. Just don't over think it.) that was beating faster.

   "Hey, Lilly," I said. The cool Irish weather was the only thing keeping sweat from beading down my face.

   "Can you believe that snow storm that came through the other night?" she asked, "Even for us that was insane!"

   "I know right," I said as we continued walking, "Back in Ohio we don't even get snow until at least late November!"

   "Welcome to Ireland," she said, "Sorry about Jack the other day. Ever since we broke up, he's acting like every time he swaggers up to me, I'm going to come running into his arms."

   "It's not your fault," I said, "Some people just don't listen. They think no means yes and go away means take me I'm yours." (Bonus points for all who get the reference.) 

   "You got that right," Lilly muttered as we walk into school. We went to our lockers and went to history class. Today we were going to start a project. We had to reenact a moment in history that we didn't go over in class, but would have happened in the time period. I felt a giant grin spread across my face before I even knew it was forming. When the teacher let us go and choose our partners and start working on concepts, I immediately started walking towards Lilly, but someone had beaten me to her. Give you one guess who.

   "For the last time, Adam," Lilly said, clearly angry, "I don't want to be your partner."

   "Oh come on, Lil," he replied, "Who else is going to be your partner?"

   "I volunteer as tribute," I said as I walked over. Adam's smug  grin turned into a scowl. It gave me a small amount of pleasure to see that I made him uncomfortable. 

   "Get lost, newbie," he said, "Lilly's working with me."

   "Sure didn't seem like it," I retorted, "Why don't we let Lilly settle this? Lilly, who do you want to work with?"

   It took her less than a second to respond, "(y/n)."

   Adam gave me another scowl, and stepped forward, "Who do you think you are, newbie? What makes you think that you can waltzed in here and take my girlfriend away from me?"

   "I'm not  your girlfriend, Adam," Lilly practically shouted, "Not anymore."

   "That'll change," Adam replied.

   Let me at him.


   He's a condescending bastard trying to mess with Lilly!

   I know, but we're out in public! If we're ever alone together, I promise that you can have your fun.

   I'll remember that, (y/n).

   "Adam," Lilly said, stepping between us, "I've already said that I want (y/n) to be my partner. Now go away."

   Adam and Lilly had a mini staring contest. The tension grew to the point where it could be cut with a razor sharp knife. After a few minutes, Adam relented.

   "Fine," he said, "But when you decide to come crawling back, it won't be easy." He finally left.

   "Thanks for that," Lilly said, "Sometimes he just doesn't listen to me."

   "No problem," I replied, "So have any ideas?"

   "I have one," she answered, "Have you ever heard Hamilton?"

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