It's totally not a date!

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(y/n)'s POV

   I walked with Lilly over to her house after school was over. We wanted more time to talk about our project for history. We decided that we're going to do the duel between Alexander Hamilton and Aaron Burr, and we wanted to try and get authentic costumes, which was why we wanted some extra time outside of school to work it out. 

   I had called Jack after school to tell him where I was going. He was fine with it, but he (jokingly) said to make sure we keep the door open. I told him it wasn't a date, but Ob kept screaming in my head that Lilly was wanting to get me alone so she could make out with me in her closet. I love Ob, but sometimes I want to cut out her tongue.

   Hey, that was harsh! Who's the demon here?

   Just being honest.

   Lilly and I walked in perfect unison to her house. Turns out it was the apartment complex right across the street from mine. What a coincidence. 

   Or destiny?

   I swear to god, if you don't stop that I will go to a 7/11 and eat a slurpy until I get a brain freeze.

   Jokes on you, I enjoy brain freezes. It makes me feel like JD. He's my spirit animal.

   Just shut up!

   "Uh... (y/n)... are you okay," Lilly asked. I realized that I hadn't moved since I started talking to Ob. 

   "Yeah, sorry. Just got lost in thought," I answered. I really need to work on talking to Ob and paying attention at the same time.

   "Well... we're here," Lilly said as she opened the door.  We walked in, and I couldn't help but noticed how old everything was. It was insane! It was like I had just walked out the T.A.R.D.I.S., and into a 1800s Victorian house. In apartment form! 

   "Your place is amazing," I said, staring around like I had just walked into a castle.

   "Thanks," Lilly replied. There was a hint of red forming in her cheeks. "My parents are big fans of giant gothic houses. They wanted to try and replicate it as much as possible."

   "Where are you're parents?" I asked. I was expecting them to be out here to greet their daughter. Or at least the strange girl standing in their living room.

   "My mom doesn't get off work until late, and my dad's... away on a business trip," Lilly answered. When Lilly mentioned her father, there was a sharp bitterness in her voice. I made a mental note to not mention him.

   "Well, you wanna get started?" I asked. 

   "Yeah," she answered. We walked into Lilly's room. It was just like the rest of the apartment, but with posters of musicals and movies plastered all over the wall.

   "Okay, if you find one of your posters missing tonight, it was me," I said, only half-joking.

   "Just don't take Star Wars ones," Lilly replied, "Those are originals." I looked for any sign that she was joking. She wasn't.

   "Shall we get started?" I asked. Lilly agreed. We sat down on her floor, and started working out what we would need to get. We obviously can't use real guns (which is a shame because I saw a pair of revolution era pistols in the living room), but the teacher agreed that we could use Nerf pistols. I'm going to be Hamilton and Lilly's going to be Aaron Burr. We thought that since Hamilton was an immigrant, and I'm from America, it would make more sense. 

   "By any chance, do you have any colonial style costumes for men that would fit us?" I asked. It was a long shot, but given everything else in her house, I wouldn't put it past her. 

   "No," she started, "But my aunt is a seamstress. I'm sure that she could make some if I asked."

   "Sweet," I replied, "Now we just have one more problem. When entering into a duel, they had a second that helped them work out the details of a duel, and a doctor for when, if, someone got shot. Since this is a partner project, we don't have seconds or a doctor. How are we going to go around that?"

   "I actually talked to Ms. Violet about that," Lilly answered, "she said that we can pick people to play the seconds and the doctor, as long as we do all the explanationing."

   "She is amazing," I commented, "None of my old teachers back home were this lax."

   "I've been meaning to ask you," Lilly started, "What brought you to Ireland?"

   I went silent. I had been trying to not think about what happened to my parents. And I didn't feel like having a repeat of my first night here.

   "I...uh...," I started, "It's complicated."

   Tell her the truth.

   What Ob said startled me. Not that she had said something, but that she was being serious.

   Are you sure?

   If you want to get anywhere with her, be it friends or otherwise, it'll only make it harder if you start with lying to her.


   "," I started, "They died in a fire, and my only other living relative is in Ireland."

   There was an awkward moment of silence where Lilly just stared at me. Then with no warning, she gave me a hug so strong that she knocked me down onto the floor.

   "(y/n)..." Lilly struggled to say, "I'm so sorry. I can't imagine what you've been going through all this time."

   "It's fine," I reassured her, "It's hard. My I-don't-know-how-distant cousin helps me a lot. And of course having such a great friend doesn't hurt either." Lilly released me from her embrace. The blush in her cheeks was extremely noticeable.

   "I'm... sorry to leave like this, but I really should be heading back," I said as I started towards the door. 

   "Wait," Lilly said, "Do you mind if I walk you home? It's just... you never know who your going to come across."

   "I don't mind," I replied, a giant grin forming on my face, "Let's go."

   We walked across the street to my apartment. Right before we reached my new home, Lilly stopped me. 

   "(y/n)," Lilly said, "I just want you to know that if you ever need someone to talk to... you know what, here." She grabbed a notebook and pen out of her purse and wrote something down. She ripped the page out and handed it to me.

   "My number," Lilly explained, "If you ever need to talk, don't hesitate to text me."

   "Dully noted," I said, "I'll see you tomorrow." I walked into the living room. Giving Lilly a little wave as I closed the door.

   That's my girl. Got her number without even having to ask.

   Does everything have to be a cheesy fanfiction to you?

   When it comes to you? Yes.

   Whatever. I'm going to get my homework done.

   Ya know ya love me.

   Whatever lets you sleep at night, Ob.

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