Jacky, I'm Home!

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(y/n) POV

   Lily was in the rest of my classes, so I spent the rest of the day with her. It was nice to be with someone else who loves musicals. Jack was nice and fun and all, but I can't exactly fangirl about Hamilton with him. Ob wasn't much help though. She was constantly singing Kiss the girl whenever I started blushing.

   I made it home without any incident (which is amazing considering my terrible navigational skills). Jack was recording when I got there, so I quietly went to my room, making sure not to walk by his recording room.

   I sat down in a (f/c) chair I had gotten when Jack and I went to buy furniture for my room, and I was suddenly struck by a wave of boredom. I finished my homework in study hall, and I hadn't gotten a chance to go buy books yet (which was on my to-do list for next week), and I couldn't be too loud because Jack was recording.

   "You know what we haven't done in a while?" Ob asked. I knew what she was trying to tell me.

   "Yeah, but we have to keep it down while Jack is recording," I answered.

   "Put on your earbuds and place your phone in your pocket," Ob reasoned, "He won't even notice." 

   "Fine," I thought as I stood up. I grabbed my phone and scrolled down to find a good song. I ended up choosing Puppet Mary's Theme (a/n that's the song up top). I stuck in earbuds in my ears, and I began to dance.

   Ob and I love to dance. It was one of the first things we bonded over. And Ob is able to use her powers to literally transport me into the song without having me bump into anything (that part took some practice though). Before long, I was transported into a castle that was covered in cobwebs and the pictures of a strange man. Every time I looked down I was wearing an elegant green dress (the one in the video).

Jack's POV

   I finished recording, and when I walked out of my recording room, I noticed that (y/n)'s door was open. She must be home. I really appreciate her not making any noise while I'm making videos. 

   I walked over to her room to talk to her, when I noticed that she was moving around her room with her eyes closed (although she didn't bump into anything). I realized fairly quickly that she was dancing. I noticed her shadow on the wall behind her. It was of her, but instead of what she was wearing, the silhouette outlined a dress. 


   The word echoed in my head. This is what Anti meant when he always called (y/n) "Shadow-dancer". I was about to leave when something else caught my eye. (y/n) had turned around to face the wall while she was dancing. And her there were two glowing (f/c) orbs where her eyes should be.

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