Got a secret. Can you keep it?

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   (Y/N)'s POV

   I walked down the hall and heard a series of giggles, like when someone tries to do an evil laugh, but it comes out more of an anime girlish laugh. I assumed that Anti was out and about and it came from him. I hurried into my room without looking into any of the rooms. I've learned from experience to not bother a demon while they're plotting.

   I threw my backpack onto the bed and pulled out my phone. Before I could help it, a small smile crept onto my face. Lilly had given me her number. Without me having to ask. I tried to reason that it was probably just because we were becoming good friends, and we were working on a project together, and she gave it to me after I had told her that my parents were dead, so it might have been out of pity, but Ob blew a hole in all of that.

   Wow, you are blind! You seriously can't see it, can you?

   What are you talking about?

   It is so obvious that she has a crush on you. Or at least is starting to form feelings.

   That's even crazier than when you suggested that we stalk Alex's boyfriend to make sure that he was "good enough for her". Besides, how do you know she isn't straight?



   Okay, if I tell you, promise you won't be mad?

   Aren't you the one who told me to never make promises that I can't keep?!

   Just promise okay!

   Alright, jeez I promise. Now what did you do?

   So I kinda looked into her mind...


   I swear it was just a peak! I was just wondering if she had a demon too. She doesn't, but I did see that she was bi. Heck, she even had a girlfriend before she dated that scumbag that barely passes as a human being.

   Okay... so she's bi. That doesn't mean that I'm going to go after her. Yet, anyway.

   Why not?

   Your not the only one that notices things. She's still trying to get her ex off of her back. That break-up could not have ended well. If I try to make a move, it could things worse for her.

   So I take control one night, sneak over to his house with a sharp object...

   Ob! For the last time, killing people can't be your plan A!

   I'm sorry if it's the most effective way to deal the problem.

   Look, I'm going to give her some time. Even if her ex wasn't a factor we only met a few days ago. Maybe in a year or two...


   I'm in it for the long game hon. Besides, I have bigger problems on my mind.

   Like what?

   Food! It's almost 7 o'clock, and I need dinner.

   I walked out of my room and made for the kitchen. I made myself a sandwich and grabbed a thing of Pringles. After I ate, I was a flash of green light come out of Jack's recording room. Every fiber of my being said it was a bad idea, but curiosity got the best of me and I went to check it out.

   Anti was standing in the middle of the room, pulsing with neon green energy. I didn't go into the room, but I couldn't seem to look away from the light either. I'm not sure how much time past, but it felt like hours.

   All of a sudden something changed in Anti's posture. He quickly grew tense, and then went completely limp. Red light seeped into the green. It began to focus on a point in the room and swirl around until it became a portal. A shadowy figure appeared, but before he came out, there was a bright flash, and then darkness.

   I woke up on my bed, Anti sitting down next to me. He looked like he just ran a marathon, but kept his impish smile as he spoke.

   "Sorry about the whole knocking you out thing," he started, "I honestly didn't mean to do that. A friend of mine that was staying in Ireland for a while, and wanted some help moving his... more valuable items. Odds are you won't see him, so don't worry about it." Anti never looked me in the eye as he spoke, and his hands are clawing at his thighs. I didn't need Ob to tell him that he was lying.

    I decided that since he had just knocked me unconscious, or maybe my mind was still groggy enough that I wasn't thinking clearly, I would play along. "It's no problem. I've been through worse."

   "Good," Anti replied. He began to leave, but when he got to the door, he turned around. "One more thing. Jack doesn't know what happened, and I want to keep it that way. If you or Ob tell him, well, you won't like what happens." His mouth curled into a psychotic smile as he walked out.

   It didn't take long for Ob to say what we were both thinking.

   We're telling Jack.

   Definitely. But how?

   I might know a way.

A/N: Sorry to the 5 people who read this for the hiatus. Writer's block sucks.

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