First Day of School... Yay

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(y/n) POV

   I was snuggling in my warm covers, when someone nudged my shoulder.

   "Wake up, (y/n)," Jack whispered in my ear, "It's time for school."

   "Uggg, 5 more minutes." It was the first night of real sleep I had had in days.

   "No can do. You're already running late," Jack whispered. I bolted out of bed, almost knocking Jack over in the process.

   "Whoa! That got you up!"

   "I hate being late!" I called from the bathroom. I got dressed and had my hair brushed in 10 minutes. I ran to the kitchen and found a bagel waiting for me. As I was eating, I saw the clock: 7:30. School started at 8. And was 5 minutes away. 

   "You son of a bitch!" I yelled. Jack sauntered into the kitchen with a smirk plastered on his face.

   "Wow, (y/n). I didn't think that you had it in you." He was referring to me swearing.

   "I'm part Irish, remember," I replied back.

   "Touche. But I think we should get the school early today anyway. Just so you have time to figure out where everything is."

  "We? Are you coming to?"

   "Well, I have some forms I have to sign."

   "Alright, let's go."

   We walked to the school. When we reached it, Jack stayed at the office to fill out the paperwork and I went to my locker to get my stuff.

   "Behave, alright," Jack called out as I left, "And don't let the other kids give you crap!"

   "I won't," I shouted back.

   I found my first class fairly easily. I mean, it WAS the smallest school on the face of the planet, so I guess I shouldn't be surprised. I was so happy that it was history. It's my favorite subject. I walked into the class and sat down in the only desk that was empty (which was in the back).

   "Good morning everyone," our teacher (Ms. Violet, I think...) said, "We have a new student here today. She's from America, and I understand she is here because of unlucky circumstances. (y/n), do you want to introduce yourself to the class?"

   "Sure," I said. I stood up and walk to the front of the classroom, "Hi, I'm (y/n). I'm american. And I will be the drama geek of the class."

   I got a few kids laughed. Good. It's better to be seen as the goofy, funny kid than the shy, new kid. I sat back down, and class went on.

Time Skip to lunch

   I sat down at a table that was mostly empty. I didn't want to be that girl that just sits down in the middle of a friend group and makes everything awkward. To my surprise, someone sat down across from me: a boy with blonde hair and blue with a look that screamed "I'm the popular kid. Love me!" I'm really not going to like this kid.

   "So, you're the new girl." He said it as statement instead of a question, as if he was inspecting me, seeing how I'd work into the school cliques. 

   "Yeah?" I said.

   "What brings you to Ireland?" he asked.

   "None of your business," I said. I was still sensitive about my parents, and I wasn't about to tell that to a virtual stranger.

   "Oh come on," he said, "It can't be that bad."

   "It said it's none of your business," I said.

   "Let me at him," Ob said, "He deserves to see a piece of my... our mind." 

   "No," I thought, "He may be a jerk, but he hasn't done anything to terrible. Yet."

   Luckily, someone arrived before it could go any further.

   "Adam," a voice said from behind me, "Leave her alone. If she doesn't want to tell you, than she doesn't have to."

   I turned around to see a girl with short, curly brown hair that was have my size. Her eyes were grass green.

   "She's kinda cute," Ob said.

   "Shut up," I thought.

   "Oh, come Lily. You wouldn't use that tone with your boyfriend, now, would you?" Adam said, feigning serenity.

   "For the last time, we are now longer dating," Lily said passive-aggressively, "Now go and jump into a volcano."

   "Oh yeah, I like this girl," Ob replied, "I like her spunk."

   I ignored Ob as Jack and his posse left. Lily sat down where they used to be.

   "Sorry about that," she said, "Adam's a complete douche, but he owns this school."

   "Did you seriously use to date him?" 

   "Last year. He actually wasn't so bad back then. But then he became the captain of the football team, and popular, and his ego took a massive inflation. I don't socialize with jerks, let alone date them."

   "Well, thanks for getting him off me. I'm (y/n)," I said.

   "I'm Lily, president of the Shakespeare club," she replied.

   "Oh yeah, she's a keeper," Ob said.

   "This school has a Shakespeare club?" I asked, "Is it to late to join?"

   "Not at all," she answered, "We meet on Fridays after school. 2 to 3." 

   "Expect me there," I say with a giant smile forming on my face.

   "Maybe this place won't be so bad," I thought.

   "You got that right," Ob said.

   "Toi tais-toi," I thought.

A/N toi tais-toi means you be quiet in French

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