Two Months Later

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(y/n)'s POV

   "OB TAKE THAT MISTLETOE OFF THE DOOR!" I shouted. She giggled childishly and ran away with another sprig in her hand. I sighed and ran after her.

   After we returned home from Antimatter's hideout, Mark went back to LA. He had a family and girlfriend to get back to, and he had been gone for long enough as it was. That left Jack, Anti, Ob, and me to figure out what to do.

   We decided fairly quickly that Ob and Anti weren't going to able stay in the apartment. It would be nearly impossible to try and keep them a secret. We found a small cabin in a tiny village not far from here that they could stay at. Ob was not happy about having to live with Anti. (She still complains about it but it's clear that she doesn't mind it as much as she lets on.)

   Thankfully, Ob's powers returned almost immediately. Antimatter must not have finished whatever he needed to to take them. (Not going to lie, it's kind of awesome when she dances to Burn and actually surrounds herself in fire.)

   Ob and Anti had come over for the holiday weekend. Jack and I insisted that we go out to them, but they wouldn't listen. They never mentioned how, but apparently they have some way to disguise themselves.

   As I wrestled Ob to ground and yanked the mistletoe out her hand, there was a knock at the door. It surprised me just enough that Ob could push me off and run away again.

   "I've got it," Jack called from the living room. I continued my search for Ob until Jack called for me to come to the door. Confused, I walk out into the living room.

   Lilly was standing in the doorway in a red dress with a green jacket and a black purse. She made me feel a little under dressed in my red checkered pajamas.

   "Hi (y/n)," she said to me, "Do you mind if I talk to you for a minute?"

   "Yeah sure," I answered as I stepped out of the apartment, "What's up?"

   "So...I...uh," Lilly tried to start saying as she blushed, "Why is this so hard? I... I brought you this." She handed me a small box from inside her purse.

   "Wow. Thanks Lilly," I replied. Suddenly an idea popped into my head. "Wait just one second." 

    I ran down to my room and grabbed a gift from my desk. I was just thankful that Ob didn't see me. That girl cannot stop shipping anything once the idea comes to her.

   "Here," I said as I handed her the gift, "I had planned to give this to you when we got back to school, but seeing as your already here..."

   "Thanks (y/n)," she said. We both opened are gifts. Lilly was visibly trying to not squeal with joy. I made no such attempt.

   "EEEEE," I squealed, "The Greatest Showman soundtrack! I've been meaning to get this for weeks!"

   "I knew you would like it," she replied, "And thank you so much for the Hamilton t-shirt. I do not have enough merch for this show."

   "I know you wouldn't stop complaining during our history project," I joked. Our reenactment of Hamilton and Burr's duel had been a complete success. The teacher loved it, and many kids in the class actually started singing The World Was Wide Enough during the duel.

   "Thanks a lot (y/n)," Lilly said as she leaned in for a hug. She caught me by surprise at first, but not for very long, and I reciprocated it. I began to muster up my courage for something I was meaning to ask Lilly for a long time.

   "Hey, Lil," I started, "Do you have anything going on tomorrow?"

   "Not really. Why?" she answered.

   "Well... I was wondering... if you felt like it... there's a really good coffee shop just down the street. Would you mind meeting me down there and... hang out?" I stumbled through my words, but eventually got everything out.

   Lilly stared at me for a few seconds, and then gave me a knowing smile. "Sure. I'd love to," she replied.

   I attempted to contain my excitement, but the smile on my face bigger than a crater wasn't going anywhere. "Great. I'll text you the time later. I should probably get back in there."

   "What? You afraid the place will burn down?" she joked. With the best timing ever, Ob knocked something down. All you could hear through the door was shouting afterwards thankfully.

   "You'd be surprised," I replied.

   "I believe you," Lilly said, "I guess I'll see you tomorrow."

   "See ya," I said as I opened the door, "Merry Christmas Lilly."

   "Merry Christmas, (y/n)," Lilly replied as she started walking down the hallway.

   I opened the door to see that Ob had knocked the Christmas tree. She had just finished putting it back up when I walked in.

   "Who were you talking to," she asked as she started picking up stray ornaments.

   "Lilly," I answered, "She came over to give me a present."

   Ob nearly dropped the ornaments in her hands. "Did you ask her? Please tell me ask her? You didn't ask her did you?"

   "Cool your jets. I asked her," I replied. "She said she'd love to."

   Ob let out a girly scream that would make every self-respecting fangirl proud. Jack and Anti ran in, clearly worried.

   "What happened? Is everyone okay?" Anti asked.

   "(y/n)'s going on a date tomorrow!" Ob squealed.

   "It's not a date," I interjected, "Lilly agreed to go down to the coffee down the street with me. It's not that big of a deal."

   "Then why did it take you three weeks to ask her," Ob countered.

   "Shut up," I said as blush began to form on my cheeks. "I'm going to get my presents for everyone. You're lucky that I'm such a nice person, Ob, or I might not be giving you yours."

   I reached my room and couldn't help but smile. For the first time since I heard that my parents were dead, I felt everything wasn't as bad as it could've been. I wasn't just happy, I was blissfully content.

   This is going to be a good day.




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