Gotta Get The Job Done

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Anti's POV

   I waited for (y/n) to get home from school. Today was the day I was suppose to take her to Dark. He never told me why he needs her, but I know better than to question him. I couldn't help but wonder though. Sure, she and Obsidian could do that little dancing trick, but what was so special about that? All you could use it for was illusions, and they only get you so far. There had to be something else. The only question was: Why did Dark see her as a threat because of it?

   I train of thought was broken when I heard footsteps down the hall. I checked the clock. 3:30. The same time (y/n) gets home. I hid in a nearby wall closet.

(y/n)'s POV

   As soon as I walked through the door, something felt wrong. The apartment was completely silent. Normally, there would be the sounds of Jack working, but now I couldn't hear so much as a mouse. I checked the door and living room, just in case Jack left a note that he was going out. Nothing. Puzzled, I started walking to my room.

   I didn't see the tranquilizer dart until I felt it jab into the side of neck. It only took a couple of minutes for the effects to start taking hold, and it was powerful stuff. It was even effecting Ob, who would normally be immune to injections like this since she's a demon and inside my head. I wondered who would have access to stuff like this. As my field of vision began to shorten, a man walked in front of me. The only feature I could make out was a glowing green eye before I blacked out completely.

Anti's POV

   I let out a sigh of resignation as (y/n) lost consciousness. I was lucky to have found a couple of spare special tranquilizers Dark had given me for my last kidnapping spree still hidden under a floorboard. Not only did they render Obsidian unconscious as well as (y/n), but they work so much faster than chloroform.  I picked up (y/n) and teleported us to Dark's hideout.  

A/N Sorry for such a short chapter. School sucks and writer's block is a bitch.

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