The Demon With The Plan

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(y/n)'s POV

   Ob's idea is risky (like every other idea she has), but it's the best one we could come up with. This Friday Ms. Violet was holding parent/teacher conferences, which meant he would be out of the house for at least half an hour. More than enough time to set everything up.

   It didn't take long to find a song that worked for her plan. ( A/N It's the one above.) Alex had sent it to me shortly after I moved here. I ate a sandwich quickly, and waited for Jack to come home. When I heard the door to the apartment open, I hit play and started to dance.

Jack's POV

   I returned from parent/teacher conferences in a good mood. Ms. Violet seemed like a nice teacher, and (y/n) was doing well in her class. I stepped into the living room, and heard music coming down the hall. (y/n) must be dancing again. I was heading towards the kitchen, when I felt this strong compulsion to go to (y/n)'s room. I shrugged it off, but the farther I walked, the stronger the urge got. Eventually, I turned around and walked down the hall. It was similar to the way that I was when Anti took control (back when he let me see what I going on), but the source was coming from outside of my body rather than inside. 

   (y/n)'s door was cracked open, and the only light was going from the hallway and her phone. It was exactly like it was last time, i.e. she was facing away from her phone dancing, her shadow different from her body. Only this time the shadow wasn't dancing. And there was another shadow beside it. Mine.

   My shadow was conjuring something from somewhere, and (y/n)'s shadow was watching. When my (or Anti's, which seems more likely) shadow turned around, it threw something at (y/n)'s. There was a temporary black out, and then the shadows were facing each other.  Anti's made a gesture that, combined with the music, told me all I needed to know. (y/n) did a spin a saw me, and immediately stopped. She turned on the light and turned off the music.

   "Jack! I didn't hear you come in," she said. Even though she had been dancing for most of the song, she didn't seem to be out of breath.

   "I just came back," I replied. A thought had started going through my head. Could (y/n) have been trying to tell me something? I had to make sure, but I needed to be careful in case I right. Or wrong for that matter. "Is that weird shadow thing on of Ob's special powers?"

   "Yeah," she replied, "She's been able to do it since she was little. It took her awhile to get that good though."

   "Does she create images of things that have happened?" I asked. (y/n)'s face turned white for a millisecond, but the color returned just as quickly.

   "Nope. She just shows what's going on the song."

   "Alight. I'm going to prepare some videos, and then I'll get dinner ready," I said as I walked out of the doorway. 

   My mind began to wonder as I got the game started. (y/n) turned pale as a ghost when I asked her, and as soon as she saw me. Could something have happened while Anti was in my body? I don't think I'll get answers from (y/n), and definitely not Anti, but I have to find out.

(y/n)'s POV

   I think it worked. Great job Ob.


   Whatever. I just hope that Anti see through it.

   Even...if he does...we technically...didn't tell him...we showed him.

   I hope Anti doesn't care about that loop hole.

Anti's POV

   Jack's getting suspicious.

   What? How?

   I think the Shadowdancer has something to do with it. She and her demon are crafty.

   We'll have to bump our time table up. I want the girl by the end of the week.

   Yes, sir.

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