Adopting Madison 10

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"Why is mommy grumpy sometimes?"Madison asks looking at me, she doesn't know about Management setting me up with someone different, again she's 4. "Mommy over thinks things."I reply, she nods.

AUSTRALIA  Liam' s Point of View

"Ready to go surfing?"I ask getting Madison into her suit, she nods. "Okay."I smile helping her onto the surf board, I pushed it into the water with me by the side of it. "Daddy.."Madison whimpers, I climb onto it and get behind her. "It's fine, I'm right behind you...and look Uncle Lou is surfing, too!"I exclaim pointing to Louis as he falls into the water.

 "Hi Uncle Louis!"Madison beams waving at Louis, "Hi love!"he waves back as gets back onto the board. "Why are there people holding cameras over there?"Madison points to behind us, "They're taking pictures of us, but ignore them okay?"I assure her getting father away from paps.


"Hey lad, don't set your underwear out again."Niall laughs, I roll my eyes as I take Madison inside for her lunch time. "What did Uncle Niall mean?"Madison asks as we enter the kitchen, "Uncle Niall was bieng a bumhead."I retort taking out salad, tomatoes, and dressing. "What are we going to do after this?"Madison asks climbing up the chair and sitting down. "Well, daddy has to go to the gym with your uncles and you're coming along."I say taking out plates and setting them out.


"Daddy, it stinks in here."Madison whines pinching her nose, "That's why we're staying outside."I say grabbing a towel and going back outside. "Follow me."I say walking to the back of the gym, there is where the boys are. They are either, jogging, doing push ups, jumping up and down, or doing pull ups. "Alright you see that man in the black shirt, he's Paul. Go to Paul."I instruct her pointing to him, she nods and walks off towards Paul.

                                                        Paul' s point of view  :D

"Hi Paul, I'm Madison. My daddy said to come over here."Madison smiles and points to Liam, Liam has a daughter? "Well hello Madison, I'm not really sure what to say or do but...what do you wanna do?"I ask, she shrugs. "I wanna do what daddy's doing."Madison simply says, he was doing pull ups. "I don't think you can do that."I say, she looks at me with her puppy eyes.

"Fine, let's look for one of those things.."I give in taking her hand and leading her to an empty pull up thing, I lift her up so she can grip onto the bar, "Okay now go, I'll count."I say holding onto to her waist so she won't fall. "1..2..3..4."I count as she struggles to go up.

                                          Liam's point of view

"Lad, look it."Zayn points to Madison as Paul holds onto her waist, he was counting as she tried going up. She was doing the same as me, I stop doing pull ups so I can watch Madison. "7..8..9.."Paul counts, "I can't do it, how does daddy do this?"Madison stammers, her arms start to shake as she tries to pull herself over the bar, it was obvious that Paul was lifting her up and helping her but he'd stop mid-way  so Madison can do it herself.

I quickly took a picture and sent it to Dani, "She's like me, she's strong. :D"I texted, I took another picture and posted it on Twitter. "Strong girl, don't mess with her, haha. Love her x" I captioned it. "My arms hurt!"Madison complaints, everyone was watching her by nnow but she didn't notice. "Come on Madison!"Paul motivates her, her knuckles were turning white. "I-I can't.."Madison whimpers trying to lift herself up, "Hmm..If your daddy was watching he would probably give you something that you'd like..perhaps candy."Paul says.

"I want candy!"Madison chants, she swings her legs hoping gravity could probably help her but it doesn't. "I heard they sell.."Paul looks at me, he wants me to tell what's Madison's favorite candy, "Sour Patches."I whisper, "I heard they sell Sour Patch kids."Paul repeats finishing his sentance, Madison gasps and uses all her might to lift herself up. 

She does it! Everyone cheers causing her to let go of the bar and Paul slowly puts her down, "Woo! Good job Madison!"Everyone chants, she runs to me hugging my leg. "Haha, good job babe!"I say lifting her up, she buries her head in my neck and breaths heavily. "We'll get some Sour Patch kids later."I chuckle rubbing her back.

End of Chapter 10     

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