Adopting Madison 27

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I felt the stares finally close in on me as I walked through the city of New York. I squeezed my hand, before realizing that Madison isn't here, neither are the lads. It's just me and my guards. I felt the sweat form; it's 78 degrees. I shouldn't be sweating. I felt my chest tighten and kind of dizzy. I gripped onto one of my guards and ducked my head.

"Are you okay?" Jared asked, I shook my head.

"Take me back to the bus," I demand, "Please."

He nodded and whispered to the other security guards. "I'm feeling nauseous, can't we take a car? I think I need to lie down or sit at least." I murmured, loud enough for them to hear.

"Liam, we can only use cars for important trans-"

"Now. I'm not feeling well, and if I don't well enough to play tonight; someone will get in trouble because I'm not doing well. It'd be ashame." I started.

"Right, I'll call Pual." he nodded, slipping out his phone.


"It was probably anxiety, Liam. You just need to adjust to the long distance, by the mean time, here. I made tea." Louis informed handing me the cup as I sat up on the lounge. I quietly thanked him. "You should rest for now, maybe you'll feel better by the time you awake."

I nodded and took a quick sip before lying back down. I closed my eyes and waited for my tiredness to kick in. "I can't." I mumbled, throwing my arm off the couch, making it hang like nothing.

There was no response.

I opened my eyes and sat up, Louis left and I was left in the dressing room alone... with tea. I sighed and shook my head, I ran a hand through my somewhat nearly buzz cut and mumbled a few things. The concert is going to start in about four to five hours and I'm sick to my stomach. I slid my phone out and called Dani, maybe Madison being cute and bubbly might help.

It rang three times until someone finally picked up. "Hello? How is you?" I heard the familiar accent and of course the grammar; Madison.

"Hi, princess-- it's Daddy," I smiled although she can't see me. "I'm not feeling well, babe. Do you think-"

"I read story-- of course, Daddy! Anything for you. Okay, okay, okay; hold on. I be back in few. I get back like Flash." Madison urged, I'm guessing she left the phone behind and ran to her room to get a book.

I waited.

"I back, I have Puppy Noodles. Ready, Daddy?"

I pressed speaker and said ready. "There was a puppy n-name Noodles. He had brown and white fur, it soft." Madison read. I smiled as she stumbled over a few words, a few 'sorry' here and there.

I listened silently as she read the book, hearing her take mini breaths between words. "Noodles hugged Amelia and went inside." Madison finished.

"I been practicing whilst you are gone. Mommy and the guy help me read." Madison informed. I grinned but it slowly as she said 'that guy'. It was Dani's boyfriend.

"Yeah? That's lovely. I think I'm feeling a bit better, thank you Madison."

"Your welcome, well, I need to eat Daddy. I call later and you answer, okay." Madison said, I could hear shuffling.

"Alright, sweetheart. Go eat, and I will answer. Love you." I say, my voice cracking as I say I love you. The phone clicked and I was left with the sound of beeping.

  •   •   •

"What is this--is that...frog legs?" Louis asked, he picked at the food and faked a gag. "Mate, what is this?"

"Frog legs, try it." Niall answered, his pushed away one of the legs and went to the next. I felt an unsettling feeling form as I stared at the plate.

"Hell no."

Louis pushed his plate away and drank his Corona. "What about some chicken, I have the taste for chicken." Louis licked his lips and looked around the table.

"Here, have mine." Harry offered, he held his untouched chicken--which was still on the plate--and grinned. "It was the last piece."

"Are you sure?"

Harry nodded and gave it to Louis.


"Alberto, what's on the agenda for tomorrow?" Zayn asked, before drinking his Corona.

"Interview; hour long. Meet and greet. Break. Concert, and then you guys are back on the road."


This chapter sucked--and swallowed-- and im sorry. I shaved my legs and I cut my leg like three times. e.e

So yea, um, next chapter should come up later on.

au revoir
paalam na
Auf Wiedersehen
If you took time to read all that, you're cool.
I was saying goodbye in different languages. :^)
Credit it to google translator

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