Adopting Madison 7

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"I'm sorry baby, I didn't mean to wake you."I whisper, she closes her eyes. "Who isth the lady, sheth a meanie."Madison asks keeping her eyes closed. I huff, "She is a meanie."I say, of course I wasn;t going to tell her that Sophia is replacing Dani's place, she'll be confused and sad.

Madison was on my lap as we watched the football game Soccer, I had the boys over. "GET IT...GET IT...KICK IT...SON OF A BIT-"Niall shouts but Louis stops him before he says the B-word. "Bitter Word."Louis finishes, Madison looked confused. "Uncle Niall was about to put a dollar in the 'Swear Jar"."I assure her, Madison covers her mouth and giggles. "Good thing I stopped him before he payed."Louis mutters.

"I'm fungry."Madison murmurs before hopping off my lap, "I'll fix you a snack."Zayn says standing up and taking Madison to the kitchen. "Do you think Zayn is getting a biiitt attached to Madison?"Louis asks extending 'bit'. "How could you tell?"Niall asks sarcastically. "Well to push that sarcasam, whenever Madison asks for something, there he is. Not to mention when we bought Madison gifts, Zayn got her more and expensive things."

++Zayn' s point of view++

"Ok, let's see what we got here..yogurt..jell-o, juice, some pickles and.."I scan through the fridge,"I fant a cookie, like that."Madison says pointing up at the fridge where sugar frosted cookies sat. "You sure?" I asked taking them down. "Yeah!"Madison nods.


Madison was tracing over my tattoo's with her small fingers. "Do fese stay on forever?"Madison asks not looking away from my arm. "Yeah, but they're worth it, see this microphone?"I say pointing at it, she nods. "Well it symbolizes my love for my music career...and this paint splatter symbolizes my love for art and drawing."I inform, she looks at my arm with awe.

"Can I fee your drawings?"Madison asks, I chuckle, "I don't have them with me. I have them at my house, when you come over I'll show you them."I reply, she frowns but then smiles. "Can we fraw right now?"she asks, I nod. "I'll bring my frayons, and things."Madison says hopping off the stool, I follow out into the living room and wait.

"Well aren't you bieng the new dad."Liam jokes, I roll my eyes. "Shut up."I mutter, what's wrong with loving a child? "I'm back!"Madison chants holding sheets of paper in one hand and crayons and markers in the other. "Well what are you waiting for, let's draw!"I say sitting down behind the couch, she lies down next to me.

"Whaf are you going to fraw?"Madison asks placing a sheet of paper in front of her and grabbing the purple marker. "I'm going to draw batman." I reply taking the black marker, "And you?"I ask, she just shrugs and takes off the cap.


I was helping Madison by putting away the art supplies until there was a thump and a cry, I quickly turn around and see Madison on the floor crying while a hand is over her mouth. "Madison babe, are you okay, where does it hurt?"I ask rushing towards her and picking her up.

She uncovers her mouth and reveals blood, blood on her lips and blood on her teeth. I notice there's a empty gap where she had a loose tooth, soon Liam came bursting in. "What happened, why is her mouth bloody? You didn't hit her did you?"Liam panics rushing to my side.

Now the Niall, Harry, and Louis were in the room. "Wet a towel!"Liam commands, Louis left the room and later came back with a wet rag and handed it to Liam. "Calm down baby, we're just going to clean you up..okay?"Liam assures wiping her mouth and placing it in her mouth so the blood will hopefully stop.

"Where's the tooth if she lost it?"Harry points out, I look around and see a baby tooth.


"Why noottt!!"Louis whines, "Because you guys are loud."Liam says, he sound serious. "Please, we promise to stay quiet. Our flat is lonely without you."Harry plead. "Fine, but stay quiet or you'll wake up Madison."Liam gave in.


I made sure everyone was asleep and snuck out of the room that I was in and crept into Madison' s room. She was peacefully sleeping and was hugging onto the teddy bear that I had gotten her.

I quietly slipped out a $5 bill and slipped it underneath her pillow, I feel more bills underneath it. Haha, I knew it. Not only would it be Liam and I giving her money. Well off to bed I go..good night.

                 •• End of Chapter 7¦¦

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