Adopting Madison 11

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"Haha, good job babe!"I say lifting her up, she buries her head in my neck and breaths heavily. "We'll get some Sour Patch kids later."I chuckle rubbing her back.


The interview was getting tiring until they mentioned something that I didn't catch until Louis nudged me, "Huh?"I raise an eyebrow, "Your adoption with your daughter."the interviewer repeats herself. "Oh yes, Madison."I smile nodding, "Yes, how is she?"she asks. "She's fine, enjoying Australia while she can." I reply, "She's starting to talk like Liam."Louis states, "How?"I ask turning to him. "She talks fast."Louis replies, the boys nod in agreement. "She does not.."I say, now that they're mentioning it, they are right. Madison talks fast and is starting to have the accent that I have. It used to be just a regular accent but now it's mixed with mine and the lads.


"Westside!!"Madison exclaims, I shoot Louis a look, "Madison don't say that!"I snap. "But Uncle Lou-"Madison stops mid-sentance knowing she's going to get in trouble, "Don't ever say that again, if you say that again you'll be in big trouble!" I sternly say, she nods. "Now go find Uncle Niall, he's probably in the foo-"Madison dashes off. "Didn't know she would over hear me."Louis mutters, I nod. 

                                 Niall' s point of view

Madison came skipping into the room happy as ever, "Hey love, you should try this! It has chocolate."I say holding out a reeses peanut butter cup dipped in chocolate, Madison takes a bite out of it. "Doeth thif have peanut butther?"Madison asks with a mouth full, I nod. "I canf have peanuts."Madison exclaims scratching her throat and her breathing becoming unsteady.

"Liam!!"I shout lifting her up and looking for Liam, "What's the matter?"Liam asks.

"You didn't tell me she was allergic to peanuts..she's having a reaction!"I snap, Liam takes her from me and dashes off.


The boys and I step into the hospital room, Liam was sitting next to it watching her sleep. "Hey lad."Zayn whispers sitting down next to him, Liam gives a half a smile and focuses back on Madison. "Lad, I'm sorry..I didn't know that she was allergic to peanuts."I apologize, he nods. "Liam Payne may I speak with you?"the nurse asks, he gets up and follows her out into the hall.

-Liam' s point of view-

"Madison is reacting well to the treatment, she just needs to stay here until tomorrow morning just so we know that it is working officially."The nurse informs me, "Thank you."I say going back to the room.


Madison wraps her arms around my neck as we walk out the hospital, "Daddy, I'm scared." Madison whispers as she tightens her arms around me. Paparazzi was creating a commotion, Paul gets in front of me and leads the way towards the car. "Is mommy going to be mad with uncle Niall?" Madison asks as I place her in the car seat, dammit! Why didn't I think of this?


"Just sit here and watch the Tv show, don't change it!"I say placing her on the couch, "Where are you going?"Madison asks staring me down with her big brown eyes. "I'm going to grab some snacks." I reply going into the kitchen. My phone rings and guess who it is...yup, Danielle Claire Peazer. I answer it.


"What the h-e double hockey sticks! I watch E! News and my daughter appears saying that she was leaving the f'ing hospital!"

"She had an allergic reaction, Niall didn't know she was allergic to peanuts and gave her something that had peanuts in it."

"She could've died!"

"It was an honest mistake."

"Fine. I don't want to hear anything else that includes Madison' s life on the line."

And with that, she hangs up. I roll my eyes and grab some candy, chips, and juices. Pigging out in Australia, score. I return back into the living room and see Madison watching Duck Dynasty, "Hey, I said to leave it on..whatever show I left it on."I say setting the things down. "How did you even find this?"I ask, "It said it had duckies, and I like duckies."Madison replies innocently.

I do like that show, so why not?

End of Chapter 11

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