Adopting Madison 26

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"... and up! Then spin, yet slowly. Watch out Victoria." Ms Walker instructs. I watched as Madison did her best to keep up but then knock into Amy.

"Sorry! Sorry! I won't do it again," Madison apologized quickly standing up and following what the other girls were doing.

"Is that your little girl?" a woman asked in a hushed voice.

I'm already thinking of comebacks if this woman is going to talk smack about Madison. "Sure is." I replied confidently. She nodded slowly and payed attention back to the girls.

That's right, look away.


"Where are you going, daddy?" Madison asked as Dani picked her up and rested Madison on her hip.

"I'm going to take care of some things, I'll call you when I can. I love you, ve good." I replied giving her a quick kiss.

"Love you," Madison repeated giving me a small wave goodbye.

"I'll drop her things later." I added before Dani got Madison in her car seat.

"OK. See you later then," Dani said smiling and getting in the car.


I admired the tattoo that was written in cursive, Madison. It's perfect. I'll add a few things later on in the year, just not now. Now I can go home and relax. . . just not the same way I used to.


Danielle' s POV

"Where's Madison?" Liam asked as he set down a box labeled in big bold letters: MADISON'S ROOM. I stared at his arm, there was a tattoo with Madison's name on it written in cursive. It was beautiful.

"Uh.. I, she's in my room sleeping. She hasn't been feeling good for the past hour," I replied. "That tattoo; when'd you get it?"

Liam looked it and a smile formed. I got a few hours ago, still hurts and all, but it's worth it. Don't you think?"

"Yeah it is. Anyways, if you want to go see her, you know where my room is. I'll take some boxes up to her room." I say lifting up a box and going upstairs with Liam behind.

I went into the room that I painted violet purple for Madison and set the box down along with other boxes. I stared at the room planning where to put things: the bed in the middle, nightstand next to it, desk in front of the bed, chest at the foot of the bed, vanity next to her room, the closet is already there, shelves there, and whatever she wants in the corner. If she likes it that way, we can always make rearrangements.

I walked out the room and went across the hall seeing Liam sitting next to sleeping Madison. He had a hand on her forehead, probably checking her temperature. I walked quietly down the stairs and made my way to the kitchen.


"I made some sandwiches, want one?" I asked as Liam finally came down after a long ten minutes. He nodded and sat down.

"She's burning, what's her temperature?" Liam asked.

"I, um, don't know to be honest. I'm going to take her to the doctors if it gets any worser." I replied running my hands through my hair and pacing back and forth.

she probably has a sandwich in her hand while pacing back and forth.

"What do you mean you don't know? How can I leave her with you if you don't even know what's her temperature?" Liam furrowed his eyebrows.

"I don't... you're not going to take her away from me again." I sternly said. "If it wasn't for me, you would've never adopted Madison. She should be mine and not yours, I'm not even sure if you do love her as your daughter."

"Don't ever say that, I do love her as my own daughter. You don't know how much I'm struggling to keep her happy and healthy, I don't see you doing anything but judging." Liam argued banging his fist against the counter. "I'll call her before I leave, the plane leaves next Tuesday at three."



"Daddy, don't leave," Madison sniffled, her nose was red and kept coughing. "Stay here with me and monmy."

"I can't, princess. But I'll buy you tickets to fly over someday and we'll spend the whole day together. And you can bring Kitty along, yeah. I'll call you to say goodnight and we can talk all about your day everyday, how does that sound?" I reassured her, tightening her jacket and kissing her forehead.

"No, I don't want you to call. I want you to say it to my face, not on phone. Won't you be here for my first day of school? What about my birthday?" Madison frowned wiping her nose with her sleeve.

"Of course I will, okay. I have to go, I'll call you and we can talk as soon as I'm in the car." I hugged her and stood up. "Don't cry, Mommy is at home and has a big surprise for you."

Madison shook her head and wiped her tears. "I'm not crying, I'm not." Madison said swallowing hard. "I want to go with you."

"You can't. I'm sorry." I murmured. "I love you."

"I love you, too Daddy." Madison said letting out a hiccup. "Tell Katy Perry I said 'hi'."

I let out a soft laugh. Madison is obsessed with Katy Perry and will do anything to meet her. "I will if I ever come across her. Alright, I really need to go." I say picking her up and placing a bunch of kisses all over her face.

This is a short chapter, im on mobile and not sure how many words there are.

heres a joke:

what do you call a cow on a grass?


I crack myself up, omigerd. so funny. want to here another thing?

This is how you summon a Bella45687: chocolate, 5sos, 1D, theo james, the number 15, tacos, dogs, and ice cream. now put those all in chronological order in the shape of a 'B'.


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