Chapter 5

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'Was that your friend?' Leo suddenly asked Hakyeon as the two was making their way out to the school courtyard.

Just by his presence alone, all the students stole gazes at Leo and the boy that was being dragged along with him to somewhere during lunch time.

'Huh? You mean Minhyukkie?'

'Minhyuk...kie?' Leo seemed rather irritated by the sound of affection and closeness when Hakyeon mentioned Minhyuk's name.

'I mean Minhyuk. He's my classmate and childhood friend. We've known each other since we were kids.'


Leo suddenly stopped saying anything nor questioned anything any further as they continued their walk. They walked until no more eyes were watching them. The eyes of strangers and crowds were not pleasing for Leo and even Hakyeon knew that the latter was trying to avoid the stares as well.

The two of them finally found a place where they could be alone and talk.

'Sorry.' Leo said as soon as they settled down.

'Huh?' Hakyeon was rather confused as to Leo's sudden apology.

'My attitude back there... towards your friend. It wasn't very nice of me. I'm not very good with dealing with strangers...' Leo looked down rather disappointedly as he was well aware of his flaws.

Hakyeon couldn't help but chuckled a bit at the sight.

'Haha. Don't worry about it. Minhyuk won't get mad at you or anything for that. He's just a bit overprotective like a mother. Plus, the both of us were strangers too until yesterday, weren't we?'

'But... you're different. I can't quite describe it but you don't feel like a stranger when I'm with you. It's like we've known each other for a very long time or something.'

It is strange... I don't feel distant when I'm with you either. Why?

'So, what was it that you wanted tot talk to me about?' Hakyeon asked finally getting to the point of their meeting.

'Right. I told Amelia, my fiancé about you and she really wants to meet you as well. I told her what you're capable at and what you can do. We all know that although we're not as excited for the wedding as others, we still want to make our parents happy and finally get this business over with. But since it is the two of us' wedding, we want to at least see what is in store or planned for us. When do you think you can meet her?'

'Whenever is fine with me. Would this coming weekend work for the both of you?' Hakyeon asked.

Leo nodded.

'Okay. Then this weekend it is. I'll see you then? Lunch is almost over so you should head back to class too. It's far to walk back for you isn't it?' Hakyeon said.

Just as he was about to leave Leo on his way, Leo stopped him again.

'Wait! Can we... skip class? Together.'


The almighty, perfect grade and perfect attention Leo wants to skip class? Hakyeon thought he had heard wrong.

'What? Why?'

'I don't feel like going to class. I want us to talk more. A lot more.' Leo looked at Hakyeon with such puppy-like eyes that Hakyeon didn't know how to refuse at all.

'But wouldn't that be bad for your attendance records?'

'It'll be fine. Don't worry about it.

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