Chapter 25

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It was a busy time for Taekwoon.

He finished settling down after his father's funeral as well as dealing with the public after his innocence was announced.

Ken and Ravi revealed to the public media all the evidence that was needed in order to clear Leo's name.

Leo was no traitor but a true war hero and after many ups and downs, have finally returned to his hometown.

After his father had passed away, Taekwoon was busy being 'Leo,' and dealing with the public and politics. Luckily, Ken was always there to help him whenever he needed a hand.

Taekwoon sighed as he flopped onto the sofa. He was tired.

'You okay?' Ken asked.

'I think so.' Taekwoon replied with the little amount of energy he had left within him.

'I know it's hard especially since your memories haven't fully returned but if you need help, you know I'll be here for you.' Ken smiled brightly at Taekwoon to reassure him.

'Thanks. I really appreciate it.

'Not a problem. That's what family is for. But I'm quite amazed at how well you dealt with the craziness that's been happening lately. What did they ask you about during the interrogation at the council meeting the other day?'

Taekwoon was asked for a testimony of what he could remember during the war and what happened afterwards. Of course, Taekwoon could only speak the truth. That he couldn't remember anything at all. He had no memories.

Although from time to time, he can feel a bit of his past coming back to him, they were all just too hazy for him to make out what was real or not.

'Nothing much. It's not like I could tell them anything anyways.' Taekwoon sighed.

'Well, seeing how well you've handled yourself as 'Leo,' I guess it's all right in the end. Might even be better for you not to remember.' Ken said. 'I guess Hakyeonie has a point...'

'Hakyeon? Cha Hakyeon?'

Ken nodded.

'He was worried. Worried that if you to remember anything about your past that you would start to recall the traumatic experiences too from the war. So, he said it might be better for you to not remember and just start fresh again. It's all for your sake of course.'

'I see...'

Taekwoon didn't realize just how much Hakyeon cared for him. He was thinking about Taekwoon's sake the entire time and even helped Taekwoon as much as he could especially after returning to Brampton.

'Ow,' Taekwoon suddenly felt a sharp pain run through his chest.

'What's wrong?' Ken worried.

'I don't know. My chest just hurts a bit. It's been like that lately...'

'Should we call for a doctor?'

'No, I don't think so. It's not too bad. I'll be fine. Maybe I'm just tired and needs some rest.'

'Okay. Guess you have been overworking lately. Things should settle down a bit more by now so you should have more time to breathe. Anyways, if things get too much for you to handle, don't forget you have me and Ravi by your side.'

'Thanks.' Taekwoon couldn't help but keep being grateful to those who stayed by his side the entire time.

Despite the fact that he was no longer 'Leo,' everyone around him cared about him greatly. The whole city was in an uproar when they realized that Leo had forgotten his memories and even his own name. It was strange for people at first to call the man by 'Taekwoon,' but they were trying to adjust for his sake especially after losing his father.

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