Chapter 18

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'Hakyeon-ah, am I crazy or doesn't he look like...' Amelia frozen and just as shocked at Hakyeon was right now.

Hakyeon swallowed hard, still trying to figure out whether he was hallucinating or not.

The new music teacher who stood right in front of the two of them and held out his hands, looked exactly like Leo. Tall and lean with long legs and broad shoulders. Small lips and those sharp intense eyes. Even though it has already been six years since Hakyeon last saw Leo, there was no way he would ever forget how the boy looked like.

After all, he spent much of his time drawing Leo's features and profile in his sketchbook during those six long years of waiting. Hakyeon was afraid of forgetting, afraid of not remembering how the one he loves looked like.

'Hello? It's nice to meet you. I am the new music teacher, Taekwoon.' The man introduced himself again.

Dumbfounded and still in shock, Hakyeon managed to accept the handshake and greet the man back but his mind was still puzzled by the meeting.

Hakyeon and Amelia both had their eyes tracing the man's appearance and face. The man who calls himself 'Taekwoon' as he sat by the other children on the other side of the lunchroom.

'How can someone look so alike? If I didn't know any better, I would think that Leo is still alive,' Amelia commented.

'Do they really look that alike? Amelia, stop staring, it's rude.' Haerin sat down next to them after serving the both their lunch.

Haerin has only ever heard of Leo's name and knew that Amelia was almost wedded to the boy but she has never met him in person even when she was in Brampton. She wasn't interested.

'Haerin, you mentioned that you guys found him along the river?' Hakyeon initiated his question. He needs to make sure of something.

'Yes. Father and the children was out fishing by the stream one day and found Taekwoon by the riverbank. You guys don't really think that Taekwoon is Leo do you? I mean, everyone knows that Jung Leo died during the last battle of the war.' Haerin suspected.

'I know it's impossible but what if he is?' Hakyeon said.

'I agree with Hakyeon. Not only does this Taekwoon look exactly like Leo but the fact that he doesn't have any memories of his past makes him even more suspicious! What if Leo really did survive but just forgot everything and everyone?' Amelia sided with Hakyeon.

Neither Hakyeon nor Amelia could take their eyes off Taekwoon and Taekwoon took notice of them staring. He got up from his seat and walked towards them.

'Is something wrong?' He asked.

'Huh? Nothing. These two were just amazed at uh, how good looking you were. Haha...' Haerin tried to joke with him so that Amelia and Hakyeon didn't seem so rude with their staring. After all, nothing was sure at the moment but only suspicions.

'Uh, thanks? Anyways, I promised Father that I will help him make a few deliveries to town so I'll be back later tonight. Please help me watch the children while I'm gone.' Taekwoon asked her.

'Sure! Have a safe trip.' Haerin replied.

'Wait!' Hakyeon suddenly shouted which surprised them all. 'Um...'

'?' Taekwoon looked puzzled at the boy.

'Can I come with you too? I'm still new around here so I think it'll be helpful if I can assist you and learn more about this town.' Hakyeon lied.

'Uh sure? That'll be great.' Taekwoon smiled.

'What are you doing?' Amelia pulled Hakyeon in and asked whisperingly.

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