Chapter 2

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Somehow he couldn't stop thinking about it. That beautiful place filled with pinks and green. A place full of bloom and care. And beneath that large and enchanting scenery laid a sleeping and handsome young man.

'What are you scribbling there Hakyeon-ah?' Minhyuk suddenly popped in from behind Hakyeon during their recess.

Surprised, Hakyeon immediately stored away his sketchbook and trying to hide his sketch of the beautiful memory from yesterday. Even hiding it from his best friend.

'No-nothing.' He accidentally stuttered.

Minhyuk could tell Hakyeon was hiding something from him but didn't pester him about it thankfully.

'So I heard you went to the minister's mansion yesterday with your mom. How was it?' Minhyuk asked.

'Nothing much. But the minister was a lot different from what I had expected. I thought he'd be a lot stricter or meaner like most of the wealthier officials around here.'

'Yeah. There's not many wealthy people who wouldn't look down on us commoners but I guess he's a minister for a reason. I wouldn't imagine being ruled around but some dictator...' Minhyuk shivered at the thought.

'Did you get to meet his son?' He continued asking.

Hakyeon nodded.

'I think so?' He answered a bit unsure.

'What do you mean?'

Hakyeon was lost yesterday while busy trying make his sketches of the venue that he stumbled upon such a beautiful sight and place. He's always dreamed about being surrounded by wonders of nature himself and to witness something as extravagant as the cherry blossom tree yesterday was amazing. When he accidentally came across the boy who was sound asleep underneath the tree, Hakyeon tried his best not to accidentally disturb the boy's slumber.

The boy sleeping was most likely the groom-to-be and the minister's precious son, Jung Leo. Hakyeon can't really explain it but something told him that the person was asleep in front of him was the client himself.

But before he could confirm his suspicions, his mom had called out to him. She was worried that Hakyeon didn't return to meet her even after a long time and started looking for him around the mansion.

'Hakyeon-ah! Where are you?' She called out.

Startled by his mother's voice, he immediately ran back into the mansion to look for his mother. He didn't want to wake up the boy who was sleeping so peacefully in the breeze after all.

* * * * * *

Classes have finally ended and it was not as hard to endure as the first week of school. Hakyeon felt a lot more settled down in his class and section. Minhyuk also helped him with making some friends too. Hakyeon is nowhere to being a shy person but he was just worried that people wouldn't be able to accept his interests and backgrounds. It took him a long time just to tell Minhyuk of his own dreams and goals that he was pursuing.

But everyone was quite nice to Hakyeon and he was thankful for that as well. They often praised at Hakyeon's sketches and ideas as well. They've even started to ask Hakyeon for advices on getting the perfect gift for their parent or their crush.

Thanks to his new friends, the boutique even got a few new customers. Hakyeon was thankful for high school. Even if the subjects were boring, he at least had friends.

'Are you going back to your sketches right after you get home again?' Minhyuk asked.

'Mhmm. I haven't found the perfect arrangement for the wedding yet so I want to work on it as much as I can,' Hakyeon told him.

'I see. Just make sure you're eating and getting enough sleep okay? Don't make me worry too much about you,' Minhyuk ruffled Hakyeon's hair even though he was slightly shorter than Hakyeon. Although Minhyuk was short, he was still like the older brother between the two of them and often cared for Hakyeon.

Just as the two was about to leave the school, they saw a crowd of students blocking the front of the gates. The two of them went forward to see what the commotion was all about. The two of them tiptoed to see what was going on.

Suddenly all the girls started to scream in excitement about something which startled the two.

They saw a group of students were walking towards the gates and ready to exit the school as classes have ended. But they were not just regular students from the West nor East division. They were from the wealthier section, the North Wing of the school.

The North, unlike Hakyeon's West end, was a wealthy division for high schoolers with a wealthy family background. They were privileged compared to the more common students and had a lot of benefits too. They weren't just wealthy but also high in intellectual. Many high ranked officials or captains of the military graduated from the North Wing.

As the group of students came closer and passing by, someone caught Hakyeon's attention.

Ah. That's right. He goes to this school too.

It was Jung Leo. The minister's son but this time, he was awake and not a sleeping beauty like yesterday.

The Leo that was awake was strangely intimidating though. He had an aura like an invisible barrier trying to refuse anyone to approach him. Although he was a part of the small group of wealth North Wing students, he didn't seem very interactive or having fun with his 'friends.' Instead, he felt like he didn't belong.

But he was indeed mesmerizing in his own unique way. He was quiet, his gazes were sharp, he had a tall and slim figure and almost everything about him seemed picture perfect. A beautiful painting that was walking right in front of Hakyeon. Hakyeon thought that he couldn't be more mesmerized by Leo as the other was sound asleep but now that the person was actually in front of him, he felt more enchanted than ever.

Even for a moment, Hakyeon felt as if their gazes met one another's despite not even knowing each other.

'Hakyeon-ah!' Minhyuk called out to him trying to snap his friend back to reality. He pulled Hakyeon away from the crowd of screaming girls. 'Let's get out from the back instead. There's no way we can get through at this rate.'

'Huh? Uh, yeah right. Let's go.' Hakyeon finally came back to reality.
Just as he walked away from the crowd of noise and screams, he thought he heard something. It should've been inaudible but he heard it.


He wasn't sure of it but he could've sworn he heard his name being called out.

* * * * * * A/N * * * * * *

Short chapter as I'm quite busy lately with work. My apologies :'(

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