Chapter 10

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As Hakyeon stood on the stage in front of the many students and visitors for the day, his legs were beginning to feel weak and his body was feeling heavy.

He was nervous and embarrassed all at once. The mixed feelings he felt inside were overwhelming. He didn't know even know where to look except down because other people's stares only made him extra anxious.

What did I get myself into? Dammit Ken. I'll get you back for this one day...

'Don't worry Hakyeon-hyung. I'm here too,' Sungjae said. The younger was rather confident in his puffy ball gown as Cinderella. Sungjae didn't appear nervous at all with the situation or with the attire as if he was actually looking forward for it.

Hakyeon looked to the other side and caught Hongbin standing there as if he was on top of the world with his hands on his hips. Hongbin found Hakyeon glancing at him and responded with a snort.

What did I do to make him hate me so much? Hakyeon sighed.

'Are you all ready for tonight's greatest even of Brampton Wings?' The announcement started.

The cheers were thundering and whistles were being blown. The crowd was excited by such an usual event or tradition. Every year, the school would hold a Mr. and Miss Brampton during the mid-summer festival but the twist was that it was all through cross-dressing. So, Mr. Brampton was actually female whereas Miss Brampton would be a male. It was all for the joy and laughter that one simple event could bring to the many people who took their time to visit the school on this special day.

As the announcer introduced each contestant one by one, it was obvious that Hongbin had the loudest cheers. And even the freshman, Sungjae, took the crowd by surprise with his beauty.

'Next up is class 3-B's own maiden, Cha Hakyeon!' The announcer startled Hakyeon who was busy zoning out to anxiety.

'Please introduce yourself to the audience.' The announcer asked Hakyeon and placed the microphone in front of the nervous boy.

'Uh... Hello, my name is Cha Hakyeon from Class 3-B...'

'Please say something more. Like your interests or hobbies? What do you like to do on your free time?'

'Uh... drawing.'

Hakyeon was too embarrassed to know what more to say. He just wanted this event to be done and over with.

'Anything else? What do you like to draw?' The announcer wouldn't let Hakyeon go without more information.

Hakyeon shook his head frantically, refusing to be asked anymore questions. Just move on please. He prayed.

'Shouldn't you be more specific? Like drawing flowers in particular?' Hongbin decided to answer Hakyeon and glared straight at the boy.

'Oh? Flowers? That's quite... an interesting subject to be drawing about. I thought only girls are interested in such things.' The announcer was taken by surprised, and so was the audience.

'My mom... runs a boutique...' Hakyeon trying to explain himself.

'Well, isn't that sweet of you. Helping your mom out with flowers and all. Give it up for this shy and sweet contestant, Cha Hakyeon!' The announcer shouted.

There wasn't much cheering however, but more so, whispers were travelling from one side of the audience to the other.

Hakyeon gulped.

He's felt this way before. Long before he came out to others about his love and interests. Not many people looked upon flower arrangements or art as a subject of interest especially for men. There was no future in it. The judging look on the audiences' eyes made Hakyeon want to crawl away and hide himself.

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