Chapter 11

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Hakyeon had no idea why or how but according to Hongbin, they've known one another for a long time.

But how? Hakyeon has no recollection of meeting or associating with Hongbin. Yet, the boy claimed otherwise.

'What do you mean we know each other? Besides today, I don't remember talking or meeting you face to face before...' Hakyeon questioned.

Hongbin sighed.

'Your anxiety, your fear of people... I'm the one that caused it. You probably hate me so much that you forgot about me. Dammit, I didn't mean to make the same mistake again. Please hear me out.' Hongbin looked at Hakyeon with regrets in his eyes. The boy was no longer the almighty Lee Hongbin of the West Wing, but just another boy.

One who was sorry for his actions and tone when speaking to Hakyeon.

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Before Hakyeon had met Minhyuk, he's always had a fear about bringing his interest out with others. Not everyone can accept a dream about being an event planner who's focus of attention was on flowers and arrangement.

When Hakyeon was younger, he would hide his interests and only sketch secretly in his notebooks from time to time at school when no one was watching.

He thought no one would discover his hobbies and passion but Hongbin did.

Lee Hongbin, though three years younger than Hakyeon, had both the wealth and intellectuals that helped him skip a few grades right below Hakyeon's class. During elementary school, Hongbin had always been the face of the Brampton before his family failed in a business and eventually became bankrupted.

Right when Hongbin's family status collapsed, he was transferred to Hakyeon's class and one day, he found a sketchbook that was lying on the ground after school.

He looked around to see if there was the owner of the book nearby yet he saw no one.

He picked up the worn-out sketchbook and opened it. It was obviously sketches done by a child's. It must belong to one of his classmates.

There were pictures and images of flowers, writings about them and more. The drawings were strangely beautiful but also that of an amateur's. Yet, Hongbin couldn't stop flipping through the pages and fall in love with each and every single one of the images that he came upon.

But who was the owner of such an enchanting notebook?

It must belong to a girl's if it's filled with flowers.

At least, that's what Hongbin had thought.

Day after day, he went around the school looking for the owner of the sketchbook. He's never been so eager to meet someone before and the more he skimmed through the drawings, the more he fell in love with the mysterious owner.

'What's wrong Hakyeon-ah?' Someone asked another boy nearby.

'Huh?' The boy shook his head. 'It's nothing.'

'You're still looking for what you lost a few days ago aren't you?' The other boy asked.

'No, I'm not. Anyways, don't worry about it and go on ahead.'

He lost something? That small conversation caught Hongbin's attention. Could it be the sketchbook's owner?

He went closer to the boys that were speaking to one another to see how they looked like. A small boy with tanned skin and narrow shoulders was sitting on a bench slumped and lost.

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