Chapter 22

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Hakyeon froze by Taekwoon's sudden question.

'Do I know you?' Hakyeon repeated Taekwoon's question to make sure he wasn't hearing things.

Taekwoon nodded.

'As you know, I've lost my memories and coincidently came to this town. I don't remember anything about who I am, where I'm from or anything about my family. But there are times when I feel like I can remember. Whenever I look at you, it's like you have the answers to the questions that I've been looking for. I know you watch me from time to time as well. It's like you want to say something to me but isn't. Please, please tell me the truth. Do you know who I am?'

A thousand thoughts ran through Hakyeon's mind. Should I tell him? Should I not? What do I do when he remembers everything? He doesn't know what to do.

'Well?' Taekwoon persisted.

Hakyeon looked at Taekwoon one more time, the latter was lost and depressed. It must be so hard for him not to remember anything at all. Hakyeon can just imagine the struggles Taekwoon was going through. Then, he sighed.

'Do you really want to know?' Hakyeon asked.

Taekwoon nodded.

'Even if it might trigger painful memories for you?'


Hakyeon took Taekwoon outside to a much quieter place to talk so that they wouldn't be disturbed. The two found a spot near the riverbank and sat down underneath the shades.

'I do know who you are. But let me ask you one more time, are you sure?' Hakyeon asked.

'I do. I think I have the rights to know everything about who I am.' Taekwoon answered confidently.

Hakyeon took a deep breath.

'Your real name is Leo. Jung Leo. You're the youngest and only son of the minister of my hometown from Brampton...'

Hakyeon told everything to Taekwoon there is to know about Leo. He told the man that he went to serve the military six years ago and had sacrificed himself during the last battle of the war. Everyone back home thought that Leo had died already until Hakyeon and Amelia found him here again in Pinewoods. Hakyeon told Leo that him and Amelia are childhood friends and were almost married to one another. Leo's father found Hakyeon and his mother to arrange for Leo's marriage and therefore they met one another. They became friends and talked a lot since they were in school.

Hakyeon told Taekwoon everything he knew about Leo except for one thing...

He didn't tell Taekwoon that Leo was in love with a boy named Cha Hakyeon, himself.

Instead, he only told Taekwoon that they were friends in high school.

'I don't know what to say. I can't remember anything still.' Taekwoon could feel a bit of throbbing in his head as he tried to recall the memories and stories in which Hakyeon just told him of.

'I know it's hard to accept it all at once but take your time. The war must have taken a big impact on you both physically and mentally. We all thought you had died but luckily you survived. I'm sure your family would be really happy to hear about it. Both Amelia and I were really shocked when we saw you though. You gave us quite a scare thinking we saw a ghost.'

'But why didn't you tell me right away that you knew who I was?'

'I wasn't sure. It was more than six years ago, since we last saw one another and people can tend to look alike someone else. Father showed me that you had a uniform earlier about when they first found you and that's when I realized you were Leo.'

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