Chapter 3

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The nights felt like it wasn't long enough for all of Hakyeon's ideas nor dreams. Day by day, night after night, his room became filled with more and more sketches. The perfect wedding of the minister's son, Leo. It was also Hakyeon's first official project as well. But there was a slight problem.

Even after all these sketches and imagination, Hakyeon wasn't a hundred percent satisfied with any of his ideas. But why?

It could possibly be that even after all this time, he has yet to meet the groom and bride to be for the wedding arrangements. Neither of them gave any of their own inputs towards the wedding and the thought of the two marrying one another out of their parents' wishes, was disheartening for Hakyeon. He had wanted to imagine the perfect arrangements for two people whom loved one another truly but this was not the case for his first project.

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Maybe because it was his own parents that gave Hakyeon a true ideal of how romance and love should be.

His mother and father were next-door neighbors that grew up together and supporting one another's dreams. As Hakyeon's mother was pursuing her dreams as a florist, Hakyeon's father would constantly encourage her and help her when she needed help. They fell in love with one another through mutual support and encouragement.

Hakyeon's father passed away during the war where he had volunteered to be a soldier in order to protect his family and fight for the country. Although Hakyeon was still quite young at the time, his mother would often tell Hakyeon stories about his father and how amazing his father was. Through the stories of his father's achievements and adventures, as well as the tale of love that his parents had, Hakyeon dreams of the same for his own love life.

When will I meet the person where I wish to support and spend the rest of my life and time with?

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'You're not going home yet?' Minhyuk asked Hakyeon after classes have ended.

Hakyeon nodded.

'Not yet.'

'You've been staying late even after classes have ended. What's wrong?' Minhyuk worried about his best friend.

'Nothing. I just feel like I'm hitting some sort of slump from my sketches. I just thought that maybe if I had a change of environment that it will help me find the inspirations I needed.'

'Still not satisfied? Isn't your room filled with sketches already? Even auntie said there no where left for her to walk in your room now.'

'I know. But... it just doesn't feel perfect enough.'

'It's not like the wedding was even out of mutual love so why are you trying so hard? Just finish it and get it over with.'

'I know it's nothing for the two of them but it's still something considerably important to the minister. I don't want to disappoint him especially when he's put so much faith in me and my mom for this project.'

'I get it. But you really need to take care of yourself. Please?' Minhyuk looked at Hakyeon endearingly and watching Hakyeon work so hard worries him to no end.


One by one, the students have left the school to return home and the classes that were once filled with many bodies was left silent and empty. The only sounds of the classroom were the scratching of Hakyeon's pencil as he drew in his sketchbook.

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