Chapter 24

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Taekwoon slowly walked across the long and wide hallways of his home. He looked at his surroundings and the interiors of the mansion. Everything was too strange and unfamiliar for him. He didn't want to take another step forward and he could feel the anxiety clenching in his stomach. He was about to meet the sick minister of this city, his biological father.

As he came upon the door, he took a deep breath before knocking.

'Come in,' he could hear a man's voice inviting him inside. A weak and unenergetic voice.

Taekwoon slowly opened the door, intimidated by everything that was visible in the room. The curtains were down and the room was not very lit. Barely any sunlight came in and it was dark. He slowly walked onwards to the large bed inside the room to see an old man lying there and waiting for him.

'Father?' Taekwoon asked in a questioning tone.

'Leo-ah...' His father called for the name.

The old man that was his father was pale and sickly. His skin was covered in uneven tones of white and yellow. Bloodshot eyes could be seen and a long tube was attached from the man's arms to the complex machinery next to the bed.

The minister knew of his son's return. His nephew, Ken have mentioned it to him the night before. Though he wanted to meet his son last night, he realized that Leo was not around due to the unfamiliar settings. So, he was prepared to see his 'dead' son once more. As he saw Taekwoon's face, the man became relieved.

'Come here my son,' he took his hands out for Taekwoon.

Taekwoon obeyed and sat by the minister's side.

'Let me take a good look at you.' The minister reached for Taekwoon's face with his wrinkled hands, trying to remember his son's facial features. 'You've grown to be a fine man after all. I'm so proud of you.'

Taekwoon could see the old man's eyes become teary and weak. The eyes of nostalgia.

'I...' Taekwoon however, really didn't know what to say. He still couldn't remember anything about his father.

'It's okay. You go by the name of Taekwoon now right?'

Taekwoon nodded.

'I see. Ken already told me everything. My son, it's okay that you don't remember. It's fine that you don't remember. What's important is that you're still alive. I... regret it so much having to send you off into the warzone and making you go through all those painful experiences. I have once served in the army myself. The pain and trauma... I know what it feels like. So it's fine that you don't remember. In fact, it might be better for you not to remember anything at all. I know you don't remember who I am but I want to tell you this. You're my one and only son. I was harsh and strict on you ever since you were a child. Not having a mother by your side must have been hard for you as well, yet you still did everything I asked you of. No matter how much you didn't like the tasks, you still carried them through. Not once have you fought back for what you truly love to do. You're a good boy and always have been.' He patted on Taekwoon's head.

Taekwoon's eyes began to water and his heart began to ache. Watching the poor sick man in front of him, his father, being in such a state was painful to watch. He wasn't a good boy. If he were, he would have remembered everything about his past as Leo already. Taekwoon felt guilty.

'Hakyeon told me once that you really love the piano and wanted to pursue a future in musical compositions. But because of me, because of our family history, you gave up that dream. You threw away your passion for us. I won't stop you anymore. You're no longer Jung Leo, so you can do as you please and desire. I don't want to prevent you from doing the things you love anymore or who you choose to love. I just want you to be happy and live your life to its fullest without regrets. Can you do that for me Taekwoon-ah?' The minister called his son by another name.

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