Chapter 15

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Dear Hakyeon,

This is my first letter to you since I have left Brampton. How are you? Are you eating well? Sleeping well? I hope that you don't stay up all night long doing your sketches like usual. I know it was sudden that both Ken and I have enlisted into the military and especially after my confession to you. I was so confident with myself that I didn't really think about how you would feel. I'm sorry if I had forced myself on you but this is the first time I have ever felt this way about anyone. I honestly don't remember when, but eventually you were all I can think of and before I knew it, my eyes would wander to your direction or listen to your voice.

I have always admired your passion and courage, unafraid to pursue your dreams despite what others say. I'm also thankful that you have met people like Minhyuk or Hyuk who can stand by your side to support you. Truth be told, I'm envious and jealous that they're the ones who knows everything about you whereas I still have so much more to learn about you. Whether or not you feel the same way as I do about you, I hope that you can consider my confession and give me a reply once I return. I'm willing to wait for you, no matter how long it takes, I'll always wait for you.

Jung Leo

* * * * * *

The very first letter was written by Leo a month after he and Ken have left to the military. Within the beautifully carved wooden box was more letters written by Leo to Hakyeon. It was as if each letter was written as the first and last letter from Leo because none of them was actually dated. Leo thought that one letter would've been enough time for him before his return but he never got the chance to send any of them out.

Leo would stand there in front of the mailbox every day waiting in line for his turn to put the letter in the box while all his fellow soldiers have already sent theirs home. But something held Leo back from sending the letters to Hakyeon. He was afraid. Afraid that if he really sent it out, and if Hakyeon replied to his letters that he would eventually forget his duties and rush back home. He missed Hakyeon too much.

Even without any dates on the letters, Hakyeon could tell when the letters were written. Leo wrote each and every single one of them as if like a diary to Hakyeon and telling the boy what he was doing or thinking of. As Hakyeon read the stashes of letters, his tears continued to fall. He wasn't there with Leo during his time in the military but the stories that were written in the letter was very detailed, as if Hakyeon was by Leo's side the entire time.

Leo have ventured across the country during the war, one battle after another. It was hard and draining but the one thing that kept him on his feet was thinking of his crush.

Aside from the letters that he wrote, Leo also placed dry flowers inside the box. They were flowers in which he discovered during his journey and hoped to be able to give it to Hakyeon, who loves to study flowers. Maybe the flowers that Leo found were ones that Hakyeon have never seen before? Just thinking of the delightful face Hakyeon would have when Leo hands them those flowers, made him very happy.

The six years in which they were separated, many things have happened but no one would have predicted this outcome.

Hakyeon wiped away his tears and held the box tightly to his chest. He embraced the gift preciously and thought about everything he wanted to say to Leo.

'I really love you Leo. I'm sorry I didn't have the courage to tell you how much I love you when I could and now...'

* * * * * *

Hakyeon thought about it all night. What he could do to repay the kindness that Leo have left him. And he had decided.

'Are you really going?' Minhyuk asked.

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