Chapter 19

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'The children have really taken a liking to you,' Taekwoon told him.

'Huh? Uh, yeah... I guess so.' Hakyeon was unsure.

The children fell in love with the small drawings that were on their cookies a few days ago and have been constantly nagging Haerin to bring the artist back. When the children finally met Hakyeon, they instantly fell in love. They pleaded and clung onto Hakyeon for the boy to teach them how to draw and sketch. So, Haerin offered that Hakyeon could stay to teach art classes during his temporary stay in Pinewoods.

Hakyeon agreed since he didn't have anything else in mind to do and that he did indeed love art but he was also worried at the same time. After all, being here also meant seeing Leo's doppelganger, Taekwoon.

The two of them were taking a break from their class and while Hakyeon was nibbling quietly on his own lunch in which Amelia had prepared for him, Taekwoon walked by and sat across him.

'You're really natural with the children. It took me awhile for them not to get scared of me...' Taekwoon sighed with a dejected look on his face.

'I grew up in a small district back home so taking care of our neighbor's children was a normal thing to do. If I wasn't helping at the boutique, I thought it would have been nice to be an art teacher instead.' Hakyeon said. 'But the children loves you now so you shouldn't worry?'

Hakyeon really didn't know how to cheer Taekwoon up since he was so natural and loved by children himself that he never had the same problems. But as Hakyeon looked at Taekwoon's sad or depressed expression, it resembled Leo's even more. In fact, after the past few days, Hakyeon was almost convinced that they were the same person.

That the Taekwoon in front of him was Leo.

As the two was finishing up with their lunch, Hakyeon rushed to clean up after himself and leave. He wanted to avoid Taekwoon as much as possible because he was worried and scared that he wouldn't be able to control his feelings just looking at the latter's face. But just then, Taekwoon pulled onto his wrist to stop him.

'Wait! What are you doing after classes?' He asked Hakyeon.

'Huh? Nothing much. I'm just going back home to the bakery to help Amelia with some chores per usual. Why?'

'...' Taekwoon hesitated. 'Do you mind if I come as well?'

What was Taekwoon thinking? Just when Hakyeon thought he could see as less of Taekwoon as possible...

'Sure.' Hakyeon could only say.

It wasn't like Hakyeon could say 'no' to the poor fragile man.

'Welcome back Hakyeonie. How was your day?' Amelia came to greet him back home and noticed someone unexpectedly came in after Hakyeon. 'Hello Mr. Taekwoon. What brings you here?'

'Um. Ms. Amelia... I have a small favor to ask if I may...' Taekwoon was stuttering with his request.

'What is it?'

Even Hakyeon didn't know why Taekwoon wanted to come here.

'Can you teach me how to bake a cake?' He finally asked.

'Oh? Sure but why so suddenly?' She asked back.

'It's going to be the Father's birthday soon and I was thinking of making something for him in order to thank him for taking me in and nursing me this entire time.'

Amelia and Hakyeon looked at one another and broke into an adoring smile for the tall man.

'Sure! But I'm a rather strict teacher, so be prepared!' She warned him jokingly.

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