Chapter 9

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The two looked at one another back and forth.

Hakyeon was embarrassed not only was he caught in such an embarrassing outfit but the fact that he was also called cute by Leo. His face was red.

Leo grew silent and only knew how to stare at his friend, Hakyeon and what the boy was wearing. He didn't even realize that he had subconsciously called Hakyeon 'cute' and making the boy even more embarrassed as he already was.

'Stop looking at me already – Ow!' Hakyeon felt a sudden sharp pain in his legs.

Leo rushed next to the boy to see if he was alright. He saw that the black stocking in which Hakyeon was wearing was torn apart and took Hakyeon's legs closer to see if there was anything wrong with it.

'Let me take a look.' Leo said.

'It's okay. Don't worry about it.' Hakyeon tried to push Leo's touch away.

'You're bleeding.'

'What?!' Hakyeon didn't think he would bleed from a few fallen objects but when he looked to confirm, he saw red dripping from his legs. He felt a bit faint from seeing his own blood.

'Let's get you to a hospital.'

'What? No! It's fine! It just needs a bit of washing or disinfecting and I'll be fine. Plus, I can't just leave Minhyuk or Ken to do all the festival work alone.'

'What if you broke a bone? Or worst? We need to get you checked out.'

Hakyeon shook his head and refused Leo's advice persistently.

'Dammit Cha Hakyeon. You're too stubborn at times you know that?' Leo glared.


Leo was right with Hakyeon being stubborn but there was no way that Hakyeon would want anyone outside of campus to see him in such a fragile, damsel in distress state.

Leo saw the look on Hakyeon's face and knew right away why the latter was being more persistent than usual. He sighed.

'Fine.' Leo said.

Leo forcefully lifted Hakyeon up with both of his arms.

'What are you!-' Hakyeon panicked.

'Shut up.'

Leo lifted the small boy in his arms like a princess and quickly found a way out. He tried to avoid most of the people as much as he could since he could tell how embarrassed Hakyeon was already being seen in such a state. Hakyeon covered his face the entire time he was being carried by Leo through the school.

'Where's the nurse's office?' Leo asked Hakyeon.

Right, Leo doesn't know his way around the West Wing.

'Turn right...' Hakyeon answered in a murmur underneath his well-hidden face in which he peeked from time to time through the slips of his fingers.

The two finally reached the nurse's office after dodging much commotion and crowd. But of course, they couldn't avoid them all. For sure, there would already be gossips making their way through the entire school grounds.

'What's wrong?' The school nurse asked as she saw Leo carrying someone in his arms.

'My friend here is hurt. Can you help me take a look at him?' Leo said as he gently placed Hakyeon on one of the beds.

'Sure, not a problem. Let me take a look-' she was surprised to see the identity of the damsel in distress. 'Hakyeon-ah?! What are you wearing??'

'Hello Mrs. Park. Our class is doing a cross-dressing coffee shop and so... I look like this... gosh this is so embarrassing!' Hakyeon went back to burying his face in his palms.

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