Chapter 12

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Hongbin told Hakyeon clearly how he felt and all the regrets he's had these years but of course, Hakyeon was in no position to return those feelings.

It wasn't because he resented Hongbin for what he did but more so, Hakyeon knew clearly what he felt inside. His feelings for Leo.

But he definitely saw how regretful Hongbin was and the past is now the past.

He's decided to forgive Hongbin and although they couldn't be lovers, the two could still be good friends.

Just like that, Hongbin have been accepted into the small circle of friends that surrounded Hakyeon. Rumors of course, flew throughout the campus.

First it was the two famous cousins of North Wing, Ken and Leo and now even Hongbin? Why did the famous Lee Hongbin join a group of 'nobodies' suddenly? No one except the boys themselves knew the answer.

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Leo saw it.

A new boy eventually joined into the circle of friends that Hakyeon had. And he also felt that the gazes on the boy named Lee Hongbin had for Hakyeon was similar to his own.

Why do I feel this irritated just looking at them?

He knew why.

Leo felt something for Hakyeon and he was suspicious for the longest time that maybe, just maybe, Hakyeon felt the same way for him.

But he had no way of confirming it.

Leo doesn't remember when but he definitely fell for Hakyeon.

When did it start? Was it the time when he panicked seeing Hakyeon faint on the stage? When he found a fragile Hakyeon covered with fallen boxes? Or was it when he worried that Hakyeon might be misunderstanding his relationship with Amelia?

Or was it when he first started to become curious about the boy that his father constantly mentioned during their dinners. The boy who would be in charge of the arrangements for his wedding?


Was it that one time when he heard the name 'Hakyeon' during his afternoon nap under his mother's beloved cherry blossom?

Nevertheless, Leo knew well what he felt inside yet he was afraid of expressing it.

Leo was worried that maybe his suspicions about Hakyeon feeling the same way for him was just some kind of delusion. And also, he was afraid that Hakyeon would get hurt if he told the boy his feelings. Leo could no longer afford losing the people he loved.

He was also aware of the consequences if the city was to find out that he has feelings for another boy. He wasn't afraid of getting himself hurt in particular but more so, how much pain that would cause to Hakyeon.

So, Leo kept silent.

Kept the words that he could not say aloud inside of him.

There were so many times when he almost told Hakyeon his feelings but he held back.

Why does it hurt so much to love?

* * * * * *

He's too close. Get away from him.

That's all Leo was thinking of and wanting to say aloud but could not.

The boys all gathered at Hakyeon's shop for the weekend to hang out and that specific group had a new member, Lee Hongbin.

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