Chapter 7

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The guests were chattering away, asking the person sitting next to them if they know what was going on. But no one did.

Why is the bride not appearing? Just then, one of the servants ran through the entrance and started shouting in alarm.

'Lady Amelia is gone! She ran away! She left a letter here for you sir!' He ran towards Amelia's startled father who almost fainted from the news.

As he was reading through the letter, his face grew pale and an obvious sign of fear and unsettledness appeared on his every expression. Moments later, he stabilized himself and went to the minister, whispering something in his ears.

The minister was surprised at whatever Amelia's father had told him. Both men went towards the groom who was standing and waiting for the bride, and told him of the news. Told Leo what was going on.

Soon, the announcement was made. The wedding was cancelled until further notice and until the bride was found.

The guests were escorted home one by one and Hakyeon could see that both families were apologizing nonstop towards all the guests that had come all this way for this special evening. To end up in pure disappointment.

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Hakyeon didn't know what to do when he saw how sad and tired the minister was becoming. The minister finally caught glimpse at the poor boy who was standing around but not knowing what to do to help settle the chaos.

'I'm very sorry Hakyeon-ah. I... don't know what to say or what to do to make this up to you.' The old man took Hakyeon's small hands in his and sincerely apologized to Hakyeon even after apologizing to so many guests already that evening.

'No. It's alright. I'm fine. Please, don't be sorry. Are you alright though? You don't look so well.' Hakyeon was worried.

'I... I'm fine. I just need a bit of rest. So much had happened tonight and I need some time to think and settle this matter. Where is your mother?'

'I've already sent her home sir. She was beginning to get tired as well since it was getting late but she's also very much worried for you sir.'

'Don't worry. You should go home as well. It is indeed getting late. I will make it up to you once all of this settles down.'

'Yes sir. Please get some rest. Good night.'

As Hakyeon went off on his way, he couldn't help but wonder what happened to Leo. The groom that was to be married tonight. Since the guests were leaving one by one, there was no sight of Leo nor his chatty cousin, Ken either.

Hakyeon was just as worried for Leo as he was for the minister and decided to make sure Leo was alright before he went home. He wandered down the familiar hallways of the main in which he have grown familiar to after coming here on several occasions.

He passed by the dressing room in which Amelia's dress was at. He peeked inside and saw the dress still untouched from the display mannequin; both lonely and in isolation.

Just then, Hakyeon heard talking from another room nearby. The groom's dressing room, that was located near the bride's.

'To think she really went ahead and did it. How are you holding up man?'

It was Ken's voice.

He seems to be talking to someone. Hakyeon grew curious and peeked through the small slit of the opened door and saw Leo sitting on a chair while Ken continued his talking.

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