Chapter 14

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One winter after another had gone by.

Yet the war continued onwards.

The country was fighting hard against their enemies and many were injured or died from battle. The days since both Leo and Ken had left for war felt like decades ago.

Hakyeon still haven't given Leo his reply to the confession yet. Hakyeon never got the chance and he was afraid that that chance would never come again.

The vicious stories about the war appeared on several newspapers and the radio constantly talked about the casualties that happened. It sounded as if they were going to lose and that victory was far in the distant. But there was still hope.

Hakyeon waited.

Waited for years.

He waited after his high school graduation, he waited until he passed his college exams and he waited until he took over the family shop. Yet, there was no word about the two cousins' return.

After six long years of battle, the war finally came to an end. The country survived and was victorious despite the many sacrifices the battle took with it. Eventually, the surviving soldiers were returning home to Brampton one by one. However, there was still no sign of Leo nor Ken's return.

I'm here, still waiting for you.

Even until the end, after all the remaining soldiers have returned home safely, neither Leo nor Ken appeared. There was no news of the two cousins and the city became restless.

The minister received no news of his only son and became sick due to his worries. He could not eat nor sleep peacefully at night without having nightmares. Hakyeon visited the man from time to time in order to take care of him but there was only so much he could do. He was just as worried himself.

Finally, that one day came and the long awaited news arrived.

'Everyone! IT'S LEE KEN!! He's back from battle! He's here back in Brampton!' The newspaper boy shouted as loudly as he could running through the neighborhoods.

But what about Leo?

Hakyeon rushed to Ken's house immediately after receiving the news. It has been more than six years since he has last seen his friend.

'Is Ken really back?' Hakyeon barely caught his breath after running to Ken's house all the way from his home.

'Yes he has. The young master is currently in the study room to reunite with his father.' One of the butlers notified Hakyeon and directed the guest to the living room to wait.

At least Ken is back safely but ... what about Leo?

Hakyeon waited patiently in the living room in order to meet Ken finally.

'Hakyeonie?' A voice called out.

Hakyeon shot up from his seat and turned around. It was Ken but one that was tired, old and looked dreadful. And to Hakyeon's horror, Ken was limping on one leg while the other was missing.

'Ken! You... your legs...' Hakyeon stuttered. He couldn't believe his eyes.

'... it happened during battle. At least I still have the other. Haha...' Ken tried to look cheerful like he did in the past but it was obvious that he was not happy.

The country may have won the war but these six long years took too many sacrifices in order to secure its victory.

Hakyeon assisted Ken to the seat nearby immediately. He couldn't help but glance left and right.

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