Ep.5 - A Present of Love

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~3rd POV | At IHOP~

Kawaii~Chan was working her shift at IHOP. She walks into the kitchen and sighs. "Today has been so busy. Kawaii~Chan guesses it's because of the holiday season. But still, this lunch rush is insane." She whines to herself, and then glances out the little window. "Oh! Looks like a new customer walked in! Is he sitting at Kawaii~Chan's table? Ooh! He is! " She squeals to herself, but then sighs. "Just one more hour, Kawaii~Chan. You can do this." She walks out of the kitchen and walks to the table. "Good evening! Welcome to I... HOT!" Just as Reese looks up, Kawaii~Chan runs back to the kitchen and shuts the doors. "He-He's here! The hot guy who delivered pizza the other day to the house is here! And he's sitting at Kawaii~Chan's table." She said to herself, before gasping. "Wait... Kawaii~Chan just handed him a napkin that she touched... Is he touching it!?" She peeks out through the door window. "Ah~ He is touching it! It's like we're holding hands now! A kiss can't be too far off ..." She said to herself.

Suddenly, a girl with purple hair with cat ears and a tail, just like Kawaii~Chan, walks up to her. "Eh? You're crazy... you know that right?"

Kawaii~Chan jumped in surprise. "Ah! M-Michi~Chan, how long have you been standing there!?" She said.

"Long enough to confirm you're crazy. So... that's the guy you wanna kiss, huh?" Michi said with a mischievous look in her eyes.

"Okay, yes... but he's so far out of Kawaii~Chan's league. She can't even talk to him!" Kawaii~Chan whines.

"He's a paying customer you know. If you're not going to serve him, then... Michi will." Michi said and walks out of the kitchen.

"Michi!" Kawaii~Chan said, running after her. She watches from behind the counter as Michi takes Reese's order.

~A Few Minutes Later~

Michi walks back to the kitchen.

"Well, what did he say?" Kawaii~Chan asked.

"Uh... he needs more time before he places an order, but he wants a soda." Michi replied, giving Kawaii~Chan a strange look.

"What kind?" Kawaii~Chan pressured on.

"Uh, Cherry Soda..." Michi continues.

Kawaii~Chan squeals. "He's perfect!"

"Kawaii~Chan, I can take over your shift. Why don't you go home and uh... fan-girl there?" Michi said, hiding a smirk.

"You're right! Kawaii~Chan needs to get him a gift for the holidays! The sooner she starts shopping the better! Hmm... Aphmau~Senpai and (Y/N)~Senpai probably know what kind of gifts guys like. Katelyn will just hit Kawaii~Chan in the face with a door again. You're the best, Michi~Chan! Thank you!" Kawaii~Chan said and leaves.

"Heh... so that's the guy Kawaii~Chan likes, huh? He's my kind of cute. Wait... did... did Kawaii~Chan just tell me I was the best? She knows I'm evil, right?" Michi groans. "She's crazy. Whatever. Meh." She said and gets back to work.

~(Y/N)'s POV | At home~

I was sitting on the couch with a book in her hand. "I got my book, I got my strawberry smoothie..." I looked out the window.  "It's snowing outside." I sigh in bliss and started to sing. "This day is going to be perfect. I can already tell it will be perfect. Now Chapter-" I was about to start reading, but was cut off by the doorbell.

*Ding Dong*

"What's that? Uh..." Before I could even get up, the door opens and Kawaii~Chan runs into the room.

"(Y/N)~SENPAI!" Kawaii~Chan yelled.

"Kawaii~Chan? Um..." I was cut off by Kawaii~Chan.


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